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Junior Infants
Junior Infants, New School Year 2024/25!!
New Year. New pictures!
We completed a unit of work based on Handa.
This month our themes and learning topics involve
houses, homes and 3d shapes.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
December has been full of fun and preparations for our Nativity and Christmas Art.
November has been a great month. We have
been immersed in Maths and enjoyed Science Week.
Autumn has been an inspiration for art and SESE.
Our Aistear theme this month is the Post Office.
Happy Halloween!!!
October pictures and adventures.
It was all hubble, bubble, toil and trouble making
our bubbling cauldrons!!
Witches and Puca popped into many of our subjects.
Some pictures of other activities this month.
September 2024.
It has been a busy and fun-filled start to the
school year.
We have been busy learning lots of new subjects.
We explored all things Gruffalo and The Kissing Hand.
We are busy with Wellbeing and Maths.
Welcome New Junior Infants.
We are super excited to welcome our new Junior Infant class.
The Junior entry door is marked as below in the picture.
We look forward to a very happy and busy school year ahead.
Sensory Rooms 2024.
Just a BIG Thank You to all who
contributed to our Sensory Fundraising
this year. We have been able to
upgrade our sensory rooms and
create dedicated sensory spaces in each classroom.
Moving on up!!
We made a visit to the Senior Infant
classroom for a good explore and to try
out sitting at the desks.
We are super excited for all the new
adventures that await us next year.
Busy, busy, busy!
School Sports Day 2024!!
We had a fantastic Sports Day.
School Tour 2024.
We had our very first school
tour this week to Best 'o' Matz
in Kells. The bus was brilliant fun too!
Thank you to all the school staff
who looked after us so well and to
the Playcentre staff and Dessie
who drove the bus!!!
The Month of May.
Up, up and away!!
Our Aistear theme this month
is the Airport.
Junior Infant Art.
Autism Celebration.
April is Autism Awareness Month.
We are delighted to celebrate
Autism in our school.
April in Juniors.
Firm favourite, Rosie Hen was back for a visit and
brought lots of fun activities for us to try.
Mighty in March!!
We had the best fun playing music for Seachtain na
Gaeilge. Thank you Mrs. Arkins for our music session.
This month our theme is THE VETS!!
Here are some highlights from all our Aistear!
Fabulous in February.
Here are some pictures of what we have been
up to these past few weeks.
Grandparents' Day.
A wonderful day of celebration in our classrooms and school.
The Grandparents visited classrooms
and were treated to whole school performances in the hall.
A most magical day!!
Our theme this month was Chinese New Year.
We made lanterns and art based on Chinese
myths and legends.
It was lovely to make cards for Valentine's Day too!
S.T.E.M and motor skills.
We created in KNEX and Magnets as part
of S.T.E.M.
January 2024.
We kicked off the new school term in style with
Maths Minds Stations and lots of wonderful
new learning adventures.
Aistear this month was the House and Home.
The Junior Classes had their Inspire Awards.
Alannagh was Junior Infant Inspire winner!!
Congratulations Alannagh.
We have started gymnastics this term.
Some pictures from Maths Minds Groups.
We read the story of My Great Grandpa,
by Martin Waddell.
We worked as detectives to spot the clues!!
Glad tidings in December...
Santa Visit.
Santa came to visit us and give us treats.
Christmas is coming!!
We have been working so hard in our Aistear
Santa's Workshop. Oh boy, do we really empathise
with poor Santa and all the elves!!
November Adventures.
November has been full of Science with
the Intel Mini Scientist Competition taking
place in the senior classes. We so enjoyed
exploring all the great projects.
We had Science Week in the school and in our class we explored
and investigated sound and materials.
Our school received this amazing flag.
We were proud to show it off to everyone.
Autumn and autumn colours have inspired
some of our wonderful art creations.
Halloween Spooktacular.
We co-hosted the Halloween Whole School
Assembly with Senior Infants.
We loved dressing up and singing our song,
5 Batty Bats for everyone.
We wish everyone a very safe and exciting
October means MATHS WEEK!!
We are creating maths games and displays.
We started Aistear this month and kicked off
our socio-dramatic play with SCHOOL!!
September 2023.
Our school was so happy and excited to welcome
the new Junior Infant Group.
A very happy and busy first month has been
Here are some pictures from some of our
activities so far.
There has been sorting and painting and cutting
and sticking. We met MATMAN and made him using
all manner of materials.
We have started work on literacy and early writing skills.
Joyful June.
.....and that's a wrap!
Thank you to everyone who made
our first year of school so special.
The Christy Ring Cup
The Heineken Cups
visited our school in June.
We had a lovely visit to (and explore of)
the Senior Infant classroom
We are sooooo looking forward to being
in Senior infants in September.
School Tour!!
We went to Mellowes Adventure Centre for our
first ever school tour.
May has been a busy blast!! We have been
exploring all things Space and Planets!!
We made our own personalised Hurling Sticks!
We are using them with coach!!
Legend Hen, Rosie was the inspiration for our display.
May Medals.
Congratulations to our Community Games Art
Competition Winners!!!
Everyday, the Junior Infant pupils make our school
so proud. Well done!
Our Literacy Groups are just superb fun !!
Busy, busy, happy!!
The month of April has been jam-packed with
so many brilliant tasks and activities.
We had Well-Being week and Active Schools too.
Daily walking and Mary Poppins inspired dance with
Corona was such fun for Active School Week.
We started Hurling with Coach. Brilliant.
We enjoyed amazing activites for Well-Being Week.
We had stories, yoga and mindulness time.
We are exploring 3D shapes too, great fun!!
It was all about Green in the classroom this month.
From shamrocks, to rainbow, pots of gold and
Irish traditional music...we had it all!!!
Nature in the form of butterflies and a visit by Vet Grace
and Snowy the Lamb all made our month!!
Pancake Tuesday.
We made Pancakes with
Miss Mc Nally. They were
so delicious.
We had a very informative talk from
our community Garda.
Thank you Garda Edel!
We took part in the BIG SPRING CLEAN.
Spring arrives with
Saint Brigid
and we celebrate
the Chinese New
We celebrated Saint Brigid and made
crosses from rushes.
We have been enjoying Drama classes
with Penelope.
The School Readathon has been a
wonderful experience too!
We were inspired by Banksy for
Valentine's Art making.
January 2023.
The New Year has taken us on
new adventures!
Catholic School's Week.
Grandparent's Day 2023.
It was so special to welcome
Grandparent's to our classrom to
colour, chat and look at books with.
A great experience was enjoyed by all!
This month our Aistear topic was
Houses and Homes.
We explored houses all over the world.
We explored types of houses and how they are built.
Handa's Surprise.
We explored the Story of Handa's Surprise.
We created houses and structures from the story.
We sequenced all the parts of the story using
drama, art and socio-dramatic small world play.
We had great fun making fruits for Handa's basket.
In Literacy, we are having fun spelling and creating words.
We had SHOW and TELL after Christmas
and got to show some of our new toys.
We had great fun telling and talking about our
favourite toys and even more fun playing with the
toys and games together.
We shared lots of pictures of our Show and Tell
on Seesaw.
Happy Christmas.
A very safe and happy
Christmas from all of us
in Junior Infants!!!
It has been a great few weeks preparing for Santa.
We have been enjoying lots of Christmas activities
from decorating the tree and school spaces, to
creating and playing in our own Santa's Workshop.
We hope you enjoy looking at some pictures of all
we have been doing these past few weeks.
Santa came to visit and we got gorgeous chocolate gifts.
We decorated our classroom.
Bethlehem was the setting for our Concert Tableau.
We explored the Nativity in art, Aistear and drama.
Our Aistear Socio-drama area was Santa's Workshop.
We decorated the school tree.
Friend of the Junior Room,
Stickman made an appearance too!
November in Junior Infants.
How quickly it flew and how jam packed our month
of November was!!
We attended the Intel Mini-Scientist fair in our school.
We participated in Science week
and lots of fun experiments.
Our favourite was the Dancing Raisins!!!
We experimented with heat and Penguin huddles to keep warm.
Our Aistear Theme this month was the Post Office.
Our School had an Anti-bullying Week.
Be Kind was our Motto.
In Maths we were all about 2D shapes and Pattern.
We are loving our CVC word work. We like finding
and writing as many CVC words as possible.
October was a very busy month. We had the most
fun playing school in Aistear and wearing our
Maths Eyes for Maths Week.
We really enjoyed all the spooky Halloween stories and
rhymes and songs...especially when teacher wears her
witches hat and uses her funny voices!!
Here are just a few pictures of some of the things we
have been up to.
We explored school and home wearing our maths eyes for
shapes and number.
September 2022.
We are so looking forward
to welcoming our new
Junior pupils to school on
Thursday 1st of September
at 9.20 am.
The Junior Infant pupils will enter via
the Left hand PE Hall door daily.
This is also the door for daily collection.
Junior Infant pupils will finish at
12 o'clock daily for the first few days.
The Bookends.
A school is full of books and stories. A school is full
of nurturing, emparting knowledge and skills.
Our departing 6th class took time to work in the
Junior Room and share the positive and beautiful
gift of reading.
Two bookends, Juniors at one end and 6th at the other.
Two ends of a school story.
Best of Luck to the Class of '22 graduates.
June Activities.
Our Aistear topic this month was The Airport.
Our airport was very busy, but we had no major
We had wonderful fun creating cards for
Father's Day.
We learned all about Vincent Van Gogh this month.
Jumping in June.
We had our 1st Sports Day.
We had a brilliant day.We enjoyed the Bouncing
Castle and Obstacle course.
We had so many fun races and ended the day with
our Class Teddy Bear's Pic-nic!!!!
Amazing in May.
School Tour Excitement!!
Hurling Creative.
We designed and painted our own hurling sticks.
This month was all about Space.
In Aistear our socio-dramatic play topic
was the Veterinary Surgery.
We wrote about the vet and their job from our research.
It was all go for Active Schools Week.
We had such a busy week,but our
favourite was creating cool dance moves
with Corona.
Rosie The Hen.
This month we met Rosie the Hen and created lots of
art and sequencing tasks, drama and writing based
on the story.
APRIL 2022.
Easter Art.
Houses and Homes.
Marching into March.
We Celebrated World Book Day and
dressed up in Book inspired costumes.
Our theme this month was all things Ireland and
Saint Patrick.
Our Aistear topic this month is Houses and Homes.
Here are some pictures of our house and 3D shape
inspired activities.
We went on a village walk to explore the types
of houses and explore the old school.
A Spring in our Step!
We have loved watching for the arrival of Spring and
all the exciting new life and growth around us.
We have also been very busy working on our
hurling skills with Coach.
We learned all about the Chinese New Year
and explored artefacts from China.
Our Aistear and role play corner this month
was the Restaurant and Chinese Take-Away!
We created Chinese paper lanterns from red card.
We had the most BRILLIANT wellness week.
We danced,meditated,were mindful and focused
on our emotions!!
We celebrated Valentines by creating a beautiful
heart covered book mark!!!!
The Feast of St. Brigid. The arrival of Spring.
We had great excitement making a Cross.
Spring has arrived with February and
we explored bulbs and Spring flowers.
January in Juniors!
We were so busy with our literacy stations.
In Aistear, our topic was the Surgey and visiting
the Doctor and Hospital.
Food and fruit were topics we explored
based on the beautiful story of
Handa's Surprise.
We ate all the fruits listed in the story and even made
prints using some of the fruits.
Fruits and food were also very central to
another topic we explored as we read the
Very Hungry Caterpillar and investigated
and explored the Life Cycle of the Butterfly.
December 2021.
Happy Christmas Everyone!!
Please enjoy the Junior Infants' Retelling of the Nativity Play through Aistear.
Well done to all the Junior Infants!!
Junior Infants' Christmas Performance
The Junior Infants' Christmas Performance of Little Drummer Boys is below.
We hope you enjoy!!
Welcome to Junior Infants, 2020/21.
Junior Infants 2021/22.
Welcome to our New Infant Class!!
November 2021.
Kildalkey Celebrations!!!!
The pupils in all classes had fantastic fun
dressing up in our village colours to wish our
Team well for the BIG final!!
The team did our village proud and we were
excited to welcome the cup and some of the
team to our school.
Our Mascot looked well in his Kildalkey Colours.
The children looked brilliant in their colours too!
We made loads of flags to decorate!!!!
Our Aistear Post Office.
We had great fun creating and playing in
our Post Office.
Hand washing and Hand Hygiene
with Rufus.
We are still doing great work with
all our handhygiene and hand washing.
Rufus was on hand again to help us
keep all the bugs and germs at bay.
Self care and zipping, lacing and buttoning skills.
We have been working hard to zip our coats,
button buttons and lace laces. It is hard work,
but we are doing great!!!!
Another busy month and great excitement
as we celebrated Halloween at school.
We loved creating Spooky Lollipop Monsters and
Chalk Relief Púca pictures.
Class was very busy and we are
learning so much about phonics, CVC
words and we are doing superb
work at our stations!!
It has been a very busy and productive few weeks here
in the Junior Room.
We are settled into our pods and class, and VERY busy
with all our school work.
Drama and art in September.
We loved exploring the story of the Gruffalo and
creating art and role plays around the fairy tales.
Mouse was the hero of the story!
Our favourite was Little Red Riding Hood Cloak art.
Six Bricks.
The Junior Infant pupils are
participating in the SIX BRICKS
project and it is off to a flying start.
These just a tiny few pics of our
S.T.E.M stars of the future at work.
Happy 1st Day of School.
The Junior Infant pupils had a wonderful
introduction day at school today.
The Class will have a 2 week induction period with a
12o'clock finish and move to the full 2pm finish on
Monday, 13th of September.
We are looking forward to a very happy year ahead.
We are so looking forward to welcoming our new Junior
Infant pupils to the school on Thursday 26th of August.
The full details of this morning have been posted to you
in June.
When you arrive at the school,the Infant entry door is on
your far left and will be marked with baloons and an area
for a photo, before letting your child in the door to waiting
staff members who will escort them to their new
Due to COVID-19 measures, parents and guardians are
unable to enter the school or classroom, but please be
assured we will have lots of happy, smiling staff members
to take your child from the door. This worked brilliantly
last year and the children settle so quickly, so please try
not to worry.
Your child will not need all their books on the first day,
but you are being asked to get a plastic tub (as pictured below)
This tub can be filled with all the school books and left
into the entry door. This will leave your child only to carry
their lunchbox in their bag.
Remember, there is no need to cover any books, just label
everything in a few places. My school email will be
operational from Thursday and I am asking you to email me
on Thursday or Friday to initiate a communication link for
any questions, permission forms and information.
My new school email address is;
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I look forward to meeting all your wonderful children and
wish you all a very happy weekend.
Anita Halligan.
A Picture of Happiness!!
May, 2021.
This month was all about Space and
in our Socio-dramatic Aistear, our topic
was the doctor and village surgery.
Our Village Surgery was a very busy place!
The Waiting Room was very busy every day!!!
Hurling Skills.
We started Hurling Skills with Ian on Friday mornings.
St. Dympna Celebration.
April 2021.
We are loving the sunshine.
This month our Aistear topic is the Vet's
Mrs. Prickles, anAfrican pygmy Hedgehog came to visit.
3D shape work, sent us on a visit to the Pyramids
of Egypt. We made group Pyramids.
Easter 2021!!
We wish you all a very Happy Easter.
We have been super busy with our
school wellness week and had great fun
exploring feelings, emotions, mindfulness,
affirmation and meditation.
We loved the meditations, especially the
Chocolate meditation.
Teacher had to 'taste test' a lot of the
squares to ensure they were suitable.
We looked forward to our daily..
'Drop everything and Dance'. A super week.
Easter Art.
We had wonderful fun creating paper weave
baskets and we used crepe paper to create
Easter egg decorations too!!
March 2021.
Welcome Back to School. Hip, hip, hooray!
We were so excited and delighted to get back to school.
Max, our class Mascot, was especially eager to get back
to see all the children and staff.
Max happily back in the classroom.
Max was up super early on the morning of March1st to get off to school!!
Max couldn't wait to reach Kildalkey.
Max quickly got back into the routine of hand/paw
washing and sanitiser!!!!
Saint Patrick and Irish Stories, Myths and Legends.
The month of March is all about Saint Patrick, Ireland,
Irish Myths and Legends.
We have a dress up costume that looks a little like the clothes Sanit Patrick
might have worn.
We learned all about the Irish Flag and all the symbols of Ireland.
We learned all about our President and even read some very funny books based
on his adventures with his dogs, cats and pigeon!!!!
We created the most fantastic portraits of our President, Michael D. Higgins and
posted them on Seesaw.
We have been exploring lots of Irish history and visiting
old Irish Myths and Legends.
We adored exploring the Myths and Legends
from old books and video clips.
In Áistear, our topic this month is the bakery, coffee shop
take-away and Chinese take-away.
We have had the most amazing fun creating shopping lists,
menu pages, specials posters and taking orders.
December 2020.
Bells Are Ringing....
Bells are ringing, elves are misbehaving,
sleeps are being's Christmas!!
Christmas Tableau and Nativity Performance.
This year our Nativity and Christmas Performances were a
lot less interactive and involved filming our Performances for Seesaw.
We hope you enjoyed them as much as we enjoyed making them.
We loved making our Christmas Dance.
Christmas Art.
We created Clay Pinch Pot candle holders and
experimented with printing and stamps to create our very
own Christmas cards.
Lollipop sticks were re-invented as Christmas Tree decorations
and we has lots of fun painting,cutting and sticking.
In Elf News.
Elf found himself in many mischievous adventures, from driving
Hummer cars, swinging out of the doors and windows, right down to
being eaten by the T-rex!!
The Toy Show marked the beginning of the Christmas count down and
the excitement levels are rising here in the Junior Room.
We have created a Santa's Workshop in our Aistear and Socio-dramatic
space and we have been learning all about the Nativity story.
We left out an Atlas to plot Santa's course and see all the wonderful countries
he travels to!!
This beautiful Bethlehem scene has pride of place in our classroom and the child-friendly
figures are lovingly used and played with every December.
Bethlehem also features in this stunning wall hanging, hand painted and made many
years ago by two former teachers, both moved on now, but always
in our thoughts! This Christmas it is even more precious, following the passing of the
artist and gifted teacher who created it, Mrs. Margaret Maguire.
Our very kind village postperson, dropped by to signal the arrival of our
North Pole Elf, Twinkles and our school had a most wonderful
message last week from the Man in the Red Suit, Santa!!
See the main webpage for the link.
Elf arrived with us on Tuesday!!
Elf is in sELF-Isolation for the next while.
In November, We Remember.
This year, more than ever, we remember all those who
have died. We remember all the people from our families
and school and village community who have passed away
and spare a special thought for all the loved ones who are
missing them during this sad and lonely time.
The Junior Infant Class have created a special space
at the end upstairs window. A candle will remain lit in this
window throughout November and act as a beacon of
hope and healing for all those who are experiencing
loss at this time.
The Junior Infant Children created memory cards
and pictures of loved ones to leave in the window with
the candle.
Autumn Leaves.
We went on a nature walk to gather Autumn leaves and
explore the changes to the school grounds since September.
Harry the Hedgehog.
We created a hibernation nest for Harry our Hedgehog.
He looks so snuggled up and cosy and even has
a timer for Spring!!
This year Halloween will be very different.
We will think of lots of fun and safe ways to celebrate and trick or
treat at home and in our gardens. We can send pictures and facetime
our family, cousins, grandparents and friends.
We will have a spooky night in and enjoy movies and popcorn
with our siblings and family members.
Happy and safe Halloween everyone!!
All of us here in the Junior room are fully settled into the daily
routine. Our days are super busy and full of adventure and fun
learning activities. We started our station work and Aistear just
this month and have had a great time learning through play and
fine motor activities.
October has been all about Autumn, hibernation and of course
Halloween. We started our art by making wax crayon fireworks
and by creating spell cauldrons for Oral Language and later art.
In October we have continued with the brilliant
hand washing and snuffle station work. We are
so good at cleaning our hands and work stations
that our teacher is running out of space in the
Cookie jar and had to make lots of extra Star of the Day
September has been super busy.
We are fully settled into school and the daily routine.
Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf were the basis of our
literacy, drama and integrated learning work.
Meet the Big Bad Wolf and poor Little Red Riding Hood.
This beautiful Red Riding Hood was handmade for Juniors many years ago by a very gifted former staff member and cherished every year.
We explored colour and tone in our tonal cloaks.
Our teacher thinks our colouring skills are amazing!!
We are doing a fantastic job with our handwashing, work station
cleaning and using the snuffle station.
Three cheers for Junior Infants!!!
Hand Hygiene and Rufus- our Macot Monster!!
Rufus came to check on our hand washing and hand hygiene skills.
He was super impressed with the Juniors!!!
Junior Infant Induction.
The Junior Infant Induction is going so very well and the children are so settled.
The 12 o'clock finish will remain in place daily 'til Wednesday 16th of September, when the Infant class will stay at school for their first full day and finish at 1.55pm daily.
The same collection point will be in place.
Some other points to note are;
- Friday is our allocated PE day.
- Homework will begin on Monday 28th of September- further details and information to follow.
What a super start to the school year.
The juniors are all settling so very well and are busily adapting to school life and all the new routines.
A very big congratulatios to you all on preparing the children so well.
We have been super busy learning all about our pods, bubbles, desk
and work place hygiene and hand washing and sanitiser use and routines.
We are also really busy learning all about MATMAN, the mascot for our handwriting scheme, Handwriting Without Tears.
Meet Matman.
Our story this week has been The Gruffalo and we had lots of fun re-telling the story and even drawing and colouring our own Gruffalo pictures.
Our New Junior Infants.
Hello and welcome.
I just can't wait to finally meet you all!
Dear Parents and guardians,
Welcome to the Junior Infant web area. The next few weeks will be very busy and,
I hope, exciting time for our new in-coming Junior Infant pupils.
The Department of Education has published a Roadmap outlining the steps ahead in
planning for the re-opening of our schools.
The following are some helpful websites which deal with the transition of Junior
pupils and some content may be of interest to you as a parent.
Welcoming junior infants – supporting their transition
Starting primary school in 2020 is likely to generate even greater anticipation, anxiety and excitement than normal for children and their parents/guardians. The impact of experiences during the pandemic may require schools to provide support for children in relation to separation anxiety, independence and language development. Given the well-recognised benefits of play and its role in connecting pre-school and primary school learning experiences, schools are encouraged to provide children in infants and junior classes with opportunities for play. NCCA resources on such provision can be found at:
To ensure children starting in primary school are supported as fully as possible, a wide range of resources and support materials have been prepared and published by both the Department of Education (DE) and the Department of Children, Disability, Equality and Integration (DCDEI). They include:
$1· Let’s Get Ready, a resource to provide guidance for parents, teachers and Early Learning and Care (ELC) practitioners in supporting children’s transition from ELC settings to primary school, available at
$1· The Let’s Play Ireland website:
$1· Guidance developed by NEPS on how the transition from pre-school to primary school can be supported, available at
$1· 70,000 transitions packs are being made available to parents to support children starting school. Each pack includes the Mo Scéal template developed by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA), available at and a postcard for children transitioning from ELC settings to share with their primary school teacher.
What will the First Day of School look like?
This year will be a very different "First Day at Big School" for all involved.
COVID-19 and social distancing protocols, mean we can no longer welcome
the pupils and their parents/families into the school building and
classroom on the first morning.
In line with all current public health and NPHET advice on the limits of
people indoor (6) and outdoor (15), the following is the revised plan for
the first morning of Junior Infants, 28th of August.
9.45am-9.55am: Pupils from families with more than 1 pupil in the school:
9.55am-10.05am: Only and first time pupils to the school.
Parents/family members can accompany the Junior Infant pupils to the PE Hall door.
A small Photo Area will be set up on the grass area near the door.
There will be an opportunity to take a photograph and see your child to the
assembly point.
Hand sanitiser will be available at the entry.
Class teacher and staff will be ready to greet the children and accompany
them to their new classroom.
We will make this transition as happy and positive as possible.
The plastic tub with all your child's books and belongings can be dropped at this point also.
If the morning is wet, unfortuately we will need you to drop your child at the
PE Hall door at 9.45 am.
12 o'clock- you will be able to collect your child at the front of the school via the
PE Hall door. The Junior Infant pupils will finish daily at 12 o' clock for an induction
period of approximately 2 weeks and the children will have their first 2pm finish on Wednesday 16th of September.
On and from, Monday 31st of August, your child will enter school via the appointed
Junior Infant drop off/ entry door. This will be clearly labelled by door signs and a cone.
Please see a picture showing the Infant door here.
You will collect your child from this school area each day.
Teachers will let 1 child at a time out to waiting parents, guardians and carer/minders.
Single children- ie.children with no other siblings in the school should arrive
between 9.20 and 9.30am.
Children from families with several children,-should arrive between 9.30 and 9.40am.
This is to avoid congestion in the car park, at entry doors and on footpaths.
Pupils will enter the building via the allocated door.
Pupils only are permitted beyond the entry door.
Once inside they will be greeted by a member of teaching staff.
Each child will be shown to sanitise their hands at the sanitisation points at each door. Your child will then go straight to class and be greeted by their class teacher. Once you have seen your child to the door, you can be safe in the knowledge that they are secure and safe in the building.
Parents are asked to note all COVID-19 posters and signs and ensure correct social distances are maintained at all times.
Hometime: Junior Infant pupil will finish daily for collection at 1.55pm. We ask you to be prompt in collecting the children and to avoid congregating and chatting once children have been collected for COVID and social distancing reasons.
We encourage all adults to social distance when collecting and dropping off
children and the following are just a few new ways our classroom will be adapted
to deal with COVID-19.
Points to note.
- All Junior Infants will need a plastic tub/storage tub, such as the picture attached.
- This will house your child's daily books, copies, school bag, lunch and even their
coats, hats, gloves etc. This box will be stored under your child's desk.
- The classroom environment will be free of clutter on surfaces, desks and walls.
- Staggered entry, exit and lunch times will be in place. Junior Infant pupils will be part of Team/Group A and have break at 11-11.10 and lunch from 12-12.30 daily.
- Each class will act as a pod and be separate for as much as possible.
- Pupils will be taught to wash their hands correctly and often.
- The use of hand sanitiser and regular cleaning of hands will be part of the daily routine. If your child has any skin sensitivity or needs to use their own specific sanitiser, please make contact in writing with the school and we will be happy to facilitate your child using gel supplied by home. This hand gel will only be for your child to use and should never be shared. Young children should not have their own containers of hand gel unsupervised.
- Work stations and high traffic areas will be cleaned regularly.
- Children will be assigned a dedicated desk and group within the class.
- Ensure all your child's property is clearly labelled.
- Pupils will not be able to share pencils, colours etc.These will also need to be labelled.
- Pupils should wear velcro or slip on footwear.
- Please ensure your child can put on his/her own coat and shoes without adult help.
- Ensure your child can open/close his/her lunch box, bottle, bag unaided.
- Pupils will be taught to use their lunch box like a plate/bowl and eat from the containerand avoid placing food on the desk etc.This could be tried out at home a few times, or on a family pic-nic etc.
- The Junior Infant pupil books are mostly workbooks and do not need to be covered.Write your child's name clearly on the cover and again on the inside cover page.
- Place all the books, art apron, folders etc in a separate plastic bag/in the plastic storage tub and I will dedicate a drop off point on the first morning. This avoids your child needing anything other than their lunch in the school bag on the first day.
- Check this page closer to the return date for further and more up to date information.
- The welcome/home page of the website has a really child friendly information about school and what to expect as well as a lot of important information and school documents for Parents and Guardians.
- As advised in school documents and the re-opening information for parents, contact with the school and class teachers should be made via email. My school email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- I will be back at my school email from Friday 28th of August and will be able to receive and deal with any correspondance between 9.30 and 4pm daily. Email contact made after 4pm will be dealt with on the next working day.
- Most importantly, please enjoy and make the very best of the next few special and precious days.
We will be busy preparing and looking forward to receive your child
safely and happily on Friday the 28th of August.
Wishing you all a wonderful and safe weekend,
Anita Halligan.
Off to Senior Infants and your beautiful new room!!!
Fun and adventure awaits!!!
Tuesday, 23rd of June.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Phonics.CVC/Sight Words. Phonics revision- |
SEESAW. SEESAW- Today is the last day of Seesaw. Log in to hear my message to you. |
SPHE and Well-being. “Nothing Is Ever Out of Reach.” Today make a wish for the future and draw a picture of it. |
P.E and physical activity. 20 minutes physical activity per day. |
Wednesday, 24th of June.
Today is our Last Day.
No Seesaw or formal school tasks.
Have a magnificent summer children and thank you all so much for your beautiful messages, pictures,
task engagement and for your constant smiles.
Week beginning 15th of June, 2020.
Dear children and parents,
We are now in our last full week of Junior
Infants. This week we will begin to wind
down and focus on revision, completion of
maths topics and building in some fun and
creative tasks daily.
This week choose just 1 activity from the red labelled
topics/literacy. Choose 1task from the blue maths subject
and 1 task or activity from the green subjects
daily. Different fun activities will be posted on
Seesaw each day to choose from as well.
I wish you all a brilliant week ahead.
Anita Halligan
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Phonics. Phonics revision-Phonic alphabet. This is where we make the sound of the letter and list off in alphabetical order. Sounds Like phonics P82. |
Formation and writing. Sounds Like Phonics A, P 38. Write the words under the correct word families. |
Reading, Starlight and oral language. Folens Starlight- A Camping Trip. Reading the story, 2-3 pages daily and activities/extension work from the weekly plan attached. |
CVC/Sight words. To see the sight words to match the story. Can you find other sight words from our lists? |
Maths. Addition. Addition, including adding Zero to a set. Planet Maths Pupil Workbook, P118. Write the number and then add. Colour the sets. |
Curriculum Focus. SESE: History, Geography and Science- combined topic. Summer. |
SEESAW. 2 activities- choose 1. |
Religion- Spread out throughout the week. Grow In Love: Theme 7- Places to Pray –The Church, a special place to pray. Action Rhyme: The Church. Video- The Church, part 1, 2and 3. Exploring the parts of a Church. Grow In Love workbook, Pages 44 and 45. |
P.E and physical activity. 20 minutes physical activity. |
Please choose 1 red subject activity, 1 blue and 1 green + fun Seesaw activity.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Phonics. Phonics revision- Phonics revision-Phonic alphabet. This is where we make the sound of the letter and list off in alphabetical order. Sounds Like Phonics, P 83. |
CVC/Sight Words. Sounds Like Phonics A, P 58. CVC words. Sort the CVC words into the correct word families based on ending sounds. |
Reading, Starlight, Oral language. Folens Starlight- A Camping Trip. Reading the story, 2-3 pages daily and activities/extension work from the weekly plan attached. |
Maths. Addition, 0-5. Planet Maths Pupil Workbook, P119. |
Curriculum focus. SESE/History- Materials. |
SEESAW. 2 activities- choose 1. |
Aistear. The camping trip or Garda station. |
SPHE and Well-being. Finding time to smile and laugh is time really well spent. This should work from Go Noodle: |
P.E and physical activity. 20 minutes physical activity daily. |
Please choose 1 red subject activity, 1 blue and 1 green + fun Seesaw activity.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Phonics. Phonics revision- Phonics revision-Phonic alphabet. This is where we make the sound of the letter and list off in alphabetical order. Sounds Like Phonics, P84. |
CVC/Sight Words. CVC real and nonsense words. Sort the words by colour on each word block. Sounds Like Phonics A, P59. |
Reading, Starlight, oral language. Folens Starlight- A Camping Trip. Reading the story, 2-3 pages daily and activities/extension work from the weekly plan attached. |
Maths. Number revision. Planet Maths Pupil Workbook, P120. Match and colour the ladybirds. |
Curriculum Focus. Science- Materials. |
Aistear. Camping Trip or Garda station. 3o minutes daily. |
Seesaw 2 activities- choose 1. |
P.E and physical activity. 20 physical activity per day. |
Please choose 1 red subject activity, 1 blue and 1 green + fun Seesaw activity.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Phonics. Phonics revision-Phonics revision-Phonic alphabet. This is where we make the sound of the letter and list off in alphabetical order. Sounds Like Phonics P, 85. |
Reading, Starlight and oral language. Folens Starlight- A Camping Trip. Reading the story, 2-3 pages daily and activities/extension work from the weekly plan attached. |
CVC/Sight Words. SEESAW activity or Sight words as per Camping Trip story. To see the sight words . Say and repeat each word. |
Maths. Number- identify pairs of related facts. Planet Maths Pupil Workbook, P121. Match the birds that add up to same amount. Colour the pairs to match. |
Aistear. Camping Trip or Garda Station- You can choose. 30 minutes daily. |
Visual Arts. Seesaw “SIGHTS ON SUMMER” art activity. |
SPHE and Well-being. Make a weekend plan- see picture attached. Get the whole family involved in planning activities for the garden, play, DVD or Movie night etc. |
P.E and physical activity. 20 minutes physical activity. |
Please choose 1 red subject activity, 1 blue and 1 green + fun Seesaw activity.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Phonics. Phonics revision-Phonics revision-Phonic alphabet. This is where we make the sound of the letter and list off in alphabetical order. Sounds Like Phonics, P 86. |
Reading, Starlight and Oral language. Folens Starlight- A Camping Trip. Reading the story, 2-3 pages daily and activities/extension work from the weekly plan attached. |
CVC/Sight Words. Sight Words interactive game activity. |
Maths. Time. SEESAW links and activities. See pictures attached. Find and photograph the clocks, calendars and timers around your home. I would love you to send a few pictures via SEESAW. |
Curriculum Focus. SESE/Geography- Materials. |
SEESAW. 2 activities-choose 1. |
SPHE and Well-being. use your voice and body to express feeling. |
P.E and physical activity. 20 minutes physical activity. |
Starlight Weelky Plan.
Junior Infants Core/Foundation Reader 4 – Guided Reading and Writing Lesson Plan
Unit |
15 |
Text |
Core/Foundation Reader 4: A Camping Trip |
Theme |
Holidays |
Subtheme |
Holiday fun |
Genre |
Report |
Book band |
Core: Red; Foundation: Pink |
Sight words |
that, there, some, like |
New words |
Core: camping, trip, bring, sleeping bag, tent, red, in, having, van, ice-pops, swimming pool, best, enormous, cool Foundation: camping, sleeping bag, tent, fit, van, swimming, splash, jumping, trips |
Phonics focus |
/ng/, /th/ |
Comprehension strategies |
Predicting, Summarising, Inferring (F) |
Lesson resources |
Starlight: Core Reader 4 (p. 1–12) Starlight: Foundation Reader 4 (p. 1–12) Starlight: Junior Infant Skills Book (p. 25–28) Unit 15: Vocabulary lists (Core and Foundation) Digital: Unit 15 Vocabulary Flashcards; Unit 15 sight word activity |
Cross-curricular links |
Maths – Sorting and Categorising: The children could sort summer and winter clothes and justify their choices. Maths – Data: The children could gather data on the favourite ice cream flavours/types in their class. They could use the data to develop a graph. Gaeilge: The children could cover vocabulary under the topic Laethanta saoire, such as linn snámha, uachtar reoite, culaith snámha, spéaclaí gréine, etc. The whole class could play a game where the teacher gives instructions such as ‘Cuir t-léine/spéaclaí gréine, culaith snámha ar Teidí’ and the children put child-size summer clothing items on a teddy bear. The children could also play ‘Te nó Fuar’ – a variation of the ‘Hot or Cold’ game. SESE – Geography: Using a large map of the world, ask each child to come up in turn and to place a pin in the map to show a location where they have gone on holidays. The class could have a discussion on different transport routes for holiday destinations (e.g. car, train, airplane, ferry or campervan). SESE – Science: Conduct experiments with the class on heating and cooling. The children could predict and explore where the best place in the classroom would be to keep an ice-pop cold for the longest time. They could then record their findings. The children could also explore floating and sinking during play in the water area. Art: The children could design their ‘dream ice cream’, using colour, glitter, sequins, buttons, etc. PE: The children could play ‘The Iceberg Game’. Lay sheets of newspapers or cardboard on the floor in the gym or yard. The children can stand on the newspaper, but not on the floor. As the game progresses, newspapers are removed. If a child stands on the floor, they are out of the game. |
Games/ |
Songs: ‘The Ice Cream Song’ by Little Baby Bum and ‘A-Camping We Will Go’ (YouTube). Videos: Ben and Holly, S1 E40, ‘Camping Out’; Peppa Pig, S1 E8, ‘Camping’; and ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ (YouTube). |
Aistear Links |
Sociodramatic play: A campsite could be set up in the classroom, with a pop-up tent, a pretend fire and some toy cooking equipment. The children could explore their new vocabulary in this area. Puppets: The children could use classroom puppets to discuss concepts explored in the units and sings the songs they have listened to. Small world: The children could use a basin of water as a ‘swimming pool’, with small figures as swimmers and lifeguards. This could also facilitate a discussion about water safety. Construction: The children could construct miniature tents from paper, straws or ice-pop sticks. Creative play: The children could make ice cream sundaes using different colours of playdough. Water area: The children could explore floating and sinking, using different toys and objects. |
Differentiation |
Reading |
Teachers can differentiate by using either the Foundation or the Core reader. A full list of levelled readers at a variety of book band levels for the theme of ‘Holidays’ can be found on p. 104 of the Teacher’s Guide. |
Writing |
All children carry out the same writing task (Starlight Junior Infants Skills Book p. 28). Writing is differentiated by outcome. |
Assessment |
Running record – Unit 15, Core Reader 4: A Camping Trip Running record – Unit 15, Foundation Reader 4: A Camping Trip |
Reading outcomes |
Element |
Learning outcome |
The child should be able to … |
Communicating |
LO 1 |
Enjoy reading a report (information book) |
Understanding |
LO 3 |
Understand conventions of print, including the function of a book title and the difference between storybooks and information texts |
LO 5 |
Recognise the sight words: that, there, some, like Read CVC words and short simple sentences Use cues from pictures to read |
LO 6 |
Acquire new vocabulary from a report (see new words lists) |
Exploring and using |
LO 7 |
Understand that a report gives us information about real-life topics |
LO 8 |
Respond verbally to a simple report and ask and answer questions about the information given in it |
LO 9 |
Make connections between their own life and a report Summarise the main points of information in a report |
LO 10 |
Read a simple report supported by illustrations, building fluency |
Virtual Sports Day 2020.
The following are a list of suggested Sports Day Activities.
The link below is excellent for seeing examples of the different tasks and even
watching 1 or 2 might be enough to give your child some inspiration.
Some of the activities have music links too, which is cool!!
Sligo Education Centre – that link is
They give little demonstrations on each activity etc.
Lots of daily activities will also count as Sports Day engagement too, such as;
A family walk or cycle, with all social distancing rules would also count as a great
sports activity.
A chalk or toy box obstacle course for younger siblings would be a lovely whole
family task.
You can create your own Sport Day by choosing 3 or 4 activities from the list below.
If you are the youngest or an only child, why not use a Teddy to be your partner for
the Penalty shootout. Try to score a goal without hitting poor Teddy.
Another thing we always had on Sports Day was a Teddy Bear pic-nic, this would be a
lovely activity to try in your garden- if the weather allows.
Suggestions of Sports Day Activities.
$1· Three legged race
$1· Sack Race
$1· Long Jump
$1· Standing Jump
$1· Egg and Spoon Race
$1· Long Puck
$1· Long Throw
$1· Sponge Race – Filling up a Bucket with Water using Sponges
$1· 100 metres, 200 metres, laps of field etc.
$1· Wheelbarrow Race
$1· Penalty Shoot Out
$1· Chin Race – Running with a ball under Chin
$1· Obstacle Course
$1· Hula Hoop Race
$1· Hopping Race
$1· Crawling Race
$1· Frog Leap
$1· Treasure Hunt
$1· Long Kick
$1· Rounders
$1· Welly Throw
$1· Soloing Competition
$1· Basketball Shooting
$1· Musical Chairs
$1· Kangaroo – (Ball between feet)
$1· Bottle Bowling – Using Football and Bottles
$1· Timed Jigsaw making
$1· Create an obstacle course for you and your siblings
$1· Flip Cup!
$1· Keepy Uppies!
$1· Dances from ‘Just Dance’. Or create a new dance!
$1· Skipathons
$1· Dribbling ball around obstacles in the garden.
$1· Bicycle Race/Skills
Junior Infant Daily
worklist and Seesaw details.
Dear Parents and children,
June is traditionally the month when all the fun and exciting
events take place, such as Sports Day and school tours!!
This week the school will have a virtual Sports Day. It will
take place on Thursday and a list of suggested activities
will be posted here on the School Website with further,
more Junior Infant level, activities posted on Seesaw also.
On Friday, the work list tasks are optional and I suggest that
the pupils create a picture, written(list of words) or voice recorded
note about the Sports Day and how they got on, instead of any
formal school work.
I hope you all have great fun planning your week and
please remember,the daily work list is just a suggested
menu to choose from. I would suggest the following;
Take 1 or 2 tasks daily from the Red colour-coded subjects,
1 blue and then just 1 green subject daily.
I also suggest that if the children are engaging in other
tasks and exploration at home, treat it like a subject/task
and reduce the formal school/home work accordingly.
To all the parents returning to full time work inside and
outside the home, please do not feel under pressure to cover
all the work listed. I would recommend using Seesaw to just
upload snaps and examples of the colouring, lego building, reading,
making etc they children are engaging in and that will count
as learning. We are here to support you and the children in
any way possible- not add to your workload after a full day of work.
The children are doing so well and are a credit to you,
their families.
I wish you all a very safe and happy week ahead.
Anita Halligan.
Week beginning 8th of June.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Phonics. Sounds Like Phonics A, P54. Match each letter to the correct picture and colour the pictures. |
CVC/Sight Words. SEESAW activity. |
Reading and Starlight Scheme. Folensonline- Core Reader 4 of Up,Up and Away!! or for a reading challenge/advanced or parent and pupil shared reading, try this story; Using the interactive Big Book, read 3-4 pages daily and explore the glossary at the end. See weekly plan attached below for daily content and activities. |
Formation and writing. Handwriting Without Tears booklet. See picture attached. Sentence writing. Key points to remember; Start at the left and write left to right. Begin letters at the top, put a finger space between each word. Sit all your letters on the line. Put a full stop at the end. |
Maths. Addition. Planet Maths Pupil Workbook, P114. Count the bears, Write the numbers. Add. |
Irish. An scoil- sa chlós. Pupil workbook, P96-97. Using link above engage in the online tasks of; Cuardach 1 agus an scéal. Amhrán: Féach Orainn. |
Aistear. The Airport. 30 minutes play per day. |
Curriculum Focus. SESE-Science: Mini Beasts. |
SEESAW. 2 tasks/Activities listed. |
Physical activity & well-being. 20 minutes physical activity daily. |
Handwriting Without Tears.
Remeber to start at the top and work left to right.
Use the pointer finger from your helping hand to create a finger space.
Clear finger spaces help the reader see each word in the sentence.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Phonics. Phonics revision- Sounds Like Phonics A, P 55. Write the beginning letters. |
CVC/Sight Words. Sounds Like Phonics A, P 56. Blend the letter sounds to make CVC words. Colour the pictures. |
Reading. Folensonline- Core Reader 4 of Up,Up and Away!! or for a reading challenge/advanced or parent and pupil shared reading, try this story; Using the interactive Big Book, read 3-4 pages daily and explore the glossary at the end. See weekly plan attached below for daily content and activities. |
Formation and writing. Handwriting Without Tears booklet. See picture attached. Sentence writing. |
Maths. Addition. Planet Maths Pupil Workbook, P115. |
Irish. An scoil- sa chlós. Pupil workbook, P96-97. Point to the pictures for key words. Using link above engage in the online tasks of; Cuardach 2 agus an scéal. Amhrán: Féach Orainn. |
Aistear. The Airport. 30 minutes play per day. |
Curriculum Focus. |
SESE: Science- Life Cycle of a Butterfly. |
SEESAW. 2 activities listed. |
Religion. Grow In Love- Seasonal Lesson 6: Summertime. Poem- Thank You God for Summertime. Activity- Nature Walk. Grow In love Pupil Workbook, P64. |
Physical activity& Wellbeing. |
20 minutes physical activity daily. SEESAW activity. |
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Phonics. Phonics revision- SEESAW |
CVC/Sight Words. Sounds Like Phonics A, P57. Read the CVC words. Match them to the correct picture. Read the CVC words to make a sentence. Colour. |
Reading and Starlight. Folensonline- Core Reader 4 of Up,Up and Away!! or for a reading challenge/advanced or parent and pupil shared reading, try this story; Using the interactive Big Book, read 3-4 pages daily and explore the glossary at the end. See weekly plan attached below for daily content and activities. |
Formation and writing. SEESAW writing/scribbling/drawing activity. |
Maths. Addition. Write the numbers and add. Planet Maths Pupil Workbook, P116. |
Irish. An scoil- sa chlós. Using link above engage in the online tasks of; An scéal agus Foclóir 1. Pupil Workbook, P 98-Colour the pictures by looking back at Pgs 96-97 for colours etc. Amhrán: Féach Orainn agus Dán: An Chlós. |
Aistear. The Airport. 30 minutes per day. |
Curriculum focus. SESE- History. Dr. Jane Goodall- Video, story and Qquestions. |
2 activities. |
SPHE and Well-being. I Got This Feeling….Get up and dance!! Dancing is really good for us physically and mentally. It changes our mood and gets positive chemicals in our brains flowing. Go Noodle: P.E and Physical Activity. 20 minutes physical activity daily- or dancing!!!! |
School Virtual Sports Day. |
See website main page for details and ideas. Junior Infant specific tasks and activities will appear on Seesaw. ENJOY!!! |
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Phonics. Phonics revision: re-cap the phonics sounds by watching the video on link below; |
Reading-OPTIONAL. Folensonline- Core Reader 4 of Up,Up and Away!! or for a reading challenge/advanced or parent and pupil shared reading, try this story; Using the interactive Big Book, read 3-4 pages daily and explore the glossary at the end. See weekly plan attached below for daily content and activities. |
Aistear. Tidy away your Aistear area. |
SEESAW. School Sports Day Feedback and reflection. Use Seesaw to reflect or upload a picture or voice note about Sports Day. |
SPHE and Well-being: Go Noodle- Clap it out syllable song and movement: P.E and physical activity: 20 minutes Physical activity daily. |
Starlight Reading and Oral language Plan
for the Week- 8th to 12th of June.
Junior Infants Core/Foundation Reader 4 – Guided Reading and Writing Lesson Plan
Unit |
16 |
Text |
Core/Foundation Reader 4: Up, Up and Away! |
Theme |
Holidays |
Subtheme |
The airport |
Genre |
Narrative |
Book band |
Core: Red; Foundation: Pink |
Sight words |
his, her, where, what |
New words |
Core: hurry, time, asked, plane, ready, away, ship, lunch, looked, played, game, children, liked, flying Foundation: steps, will, asked, ship, lunch, tablet, pad, trip, going |
Phonics focus |
/sh/, /ch/, /ng/ |
Comprehension strategies |
Predicting, Justifying, Inferring (F) |
Lesson resources |
Starlight: Core Reader 4 (p. 13–24) Starlight: Foundation Reader 4 (p. 13–24) Starlight: Junior Infant Skills Book (p. 29–32) Unit 16: Vocabulary lists (Core and Foundation) Digital: Unit 16 Vocabulary Flashcards; Unit 16 sight word activity |
Cross-curricular links |
Maths – Measurements: The children could begin to develop an understanding of length, by estimating and measuring how many toy airplanes make up the same length as various classroom objects. Maths – Time: The children could develop knowledge of time by looking at airplane schedules, or looking at arrivals and departures on the Dublin Airport website. Maths – Ordinal Numbers: The children could line up classroom toys to board a plane, discussing who is first, second, third, last in the queue, etc. Maths – Sorting and categorising: The children could sort pretend luggage (any boxes and containers of different sizes) according to size and shape. Gaeilge: Under the theme Bréagáin, the children could learn vocabulary such as eitleán, báid, rothar, carr. The children could use toy cars, boats and airplanes to play games such as ‘Cluiche Kim’, ‘Cad atá in easnamh?’ and ‘Te nó Fuar’. SESE – Science: The children could make different kinds of paper airplanes and estimate the distance that they will fly. They could then record the distance each kind of airplane can fly. SESE – Geography: The children could learn about the jobs done by different people at the airport. The children could also discuss a popular holiday destination they might have flown to (e.g. Spain). History: You could teach the children about the life of Amelia Earhart. The children could sequence a trip to the airport – parking the car, going through security, boarding the plane, etc. Art: The children could paint a picture of their favourite holiday destination/place, or create a miniature airplane from clay. |
Games/ |
Video:Peppa Pig, S4 E36, ‘Flying on Holiday’ (YouTube). Song: ‘We’re All Going on a Summer Holiday’. |
Aistear Links |
Sociodramatic play: The children could set up a travel agency in the classroom, with brochures, leaflets, notepads, a phone, a desk, chairs and a laptop. The children could peruse holiday brochures and plan a trip. One child could act as the travel agent to do the booking, or children could use an old laptop to book themselves. Puppets: The children could use puppets to act out scenarios, such as a flight attendant going through safety procedures, or a pilot preparing for take-off. Small world: The children could create an airport, using toy cars, trucks, airplanes and figures. Construction: The children could construct an airplane from junk-art or Lego. Creative play : The children could create a ‘holiday memories’ book, using a variety of materials (e.g. a scrapbook, photographs, cut-outs from holiday brochures, crayons and markers). Sand area: The children could create holiday sandcastles, using damp sand, buckets, spades and seashells. |
Curriculum Focus this week was Visual Arts and the
very beautiful works of;
Vincent Van Gogh.
His very famous works of Art include priceless works
such as;
Starry Night.
A painting made of his room in Arles in France.
Many galleries and museums around the world are allowing
acces to their collections and have set up virtual tours/
online free tours of their famous collections and I would
highly recommend a family virtual museum or gallery tour
on the next wet, miserable day!!
Friday 5th of June.
Subject. |
Phonics. CVC/Sight Words. Phonics revision- Sounds Like Phonics A, P 17. Blend the sounds, trace the words. P,39 for writing the CVC words. Fill in the missing vowels to make CVC words. Colour the pictures. |
Reading. Folens: See weekly plan and activities attached. Use the online book to read the story. |
Maths. Addition. Count the objects in the partitioned sets. Planet Maths Pupil Workbook, P113. Write the number under each group. Add. Colour the objects. |
Aistear. The Travel Agents. 30 minutes play per day. SEESAW link. I would love to see a picture of your Aistear play. If you would like to upload a picture, I would love to see it. |
Curriculum Focus. History/Visual arts. Van Gogh. Starry Night. Virtual 360- tour of Starry Night. |
SEESAW 2 Seesaw activities- choose 1. |
Physical activity. 2o minutes physical activity. Well-being. Sunflower update—see picture of our Sunflowers attached. Make a wish and draw a symbol for the wish on Seesaw. I will print it out and place your wish symbol in the pot with the Sunflowers when I re-pot them this weekend!! |
Look at your Sunflowers!!
Thursday 4th of June.
Phonics. Phonics: Sounds Like Phonics A- P 16. Name the pictures and trace the beginning letters/initial sounds. Colour. |
CVC/Sight Words. Sounds Like Phonics Activity Book, P16 make 5 CVC words from letters h,a,m,s,i and t on page 16. Write and put up on SEESAW. Did you make?; has, his,him,mit,hit,sat,hat,mat? |
Reading. Folens: See weekly plan and activities attached. Use the online book to read the story. |
Formation and writing. Handwriting Without Tears booklet. See picture attached. Sentence writing. SEESAW Letter revision. |
Maths. Addition. __ and___ makes___. Language of early addition. Planet Maths Pupil workbook, P 112. Write the numbers. Add. Count the objects. Add. Colour the strawberries. |
Irish. An teilifís- Ag féachaint ar scannán. Abair liom Textbook, P92-93. Point at all the key words outlined in Monday’s list. Dul siar- go over the vocabulary. Play the comhrá and interactive Quiz/ tráth na gceist game. Listen to the Amhrán and Dán- Siúil leat and Humptaí Dumptaí. |
Aistear. The Travel Agents. 30 minutes play per day. |
Curriculum focus. History/Visual arts. Story of Van Gogh; Can you try to paint either the Sunflowers or Starry Night? You could use the drawing pad on SEESAW or upload a picture of your painted work via SEESAW. |
SEESAW. Activities listed here uploaded and Seesaw link activities. |
Physical activity& Well-being. 20 minutes physical activity. |
Handwriting Wwithout Tears Formation sheet.
Wednesday 3rd of June.
Phonics. Phonics revision: Sounds Like Phonics A- P 15. Name the pictures. Circle the beginning letters/initial sounds. Colour each picture. |
CVC/Sight Words. SEESAW word activities. |
Reading. Folens: See weekly plan and suggested lesson activities attached below. Use the online book to read the story. |
Formation and writing. Handwriting Without Tears booklet. See picture attached. Sentence writing. Key points to remember; Start at the left and write left to right. Begin letters at the top, put a finger space between each word. Sit all your letters on the line. Put a full stop at the end. |
Maths. Addition. __ and___ makes___. Language of early addition. Planet Maths Junior Infants Workbook, P111. Combine sets of objects, total to 4. Trace/ write the numbers and colour the sets. |
Irish. An teilifís- Ag féachaint ar scannán. Póstaer agus workbook pictures from P92 and 93. Online interactive Pléasc an Balún activity. |
Aistear. The Travel Agents. 30 minutes Aistear per day. |
Curriculum focus. Visual arts, music and History. Experience the paintings in real life settings. |
SEESAW. SEESAW tasks and activities. |
Religion. Theme- Seasonal lesson6: Summer. Look at the poster and watch the video Summer. Poem- Thank You God for Summertime. |
Physical activity and Well-being. 20 minutes physical activity daily. 5 Inter-connected breaths and relaxation for 5 minutes daily. Make a relaxation space in your home with cushions. |
Handwriting Without Tears Writing Formation Sheet.
Tuesday 2nd of June.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Phonics. Phonics revision. Letters; t a s m i h |
Sounds Like Phonics Activity Book A, P14. Match the initial sounds to correct picture and colour. |
Tuesdayofthe week of …………………… |
June |
CVC/Sight Words. SEESAW word activities. |
Reading. See weekly plan and activities attached. Use the online book to read the Big Book , Planes, Trains and Airplanes. Lots of oral language chat and discussion opportunities around holidays, past. Impact of COVID-19 on family travel and holiday plans for this year etc. |
Formation and writing. OPTIONAL TASK. News Desk. Link with SEESAW. Photograph and post a picture of your writing or write your piece using Seesaw drawing or word/note pad. |
Write a news Headline using white/blackboard/paper or on SEESAW. Tell me your news by starting with the Day and your news. Today is _______ I did___________________ etc. |
Maths. Addition 1-5. Using counters/lego/lollipop sticks/toys make sets like the pictures below. |
SEESAW activity. See pictures attached. Youtube: |
Irish. An teilifís- Ag féachaint ar scannán. Comhrá agus póstaer online activity.. Key vocab: seomra suite-sitting room, scannán-film, tine-fire, grán rosta- pop corn, seacláid the- hot chocolate, píotsa- pizza, cnámh-bone, áthas- happy. |
Aistear. |
The Travel Agents. 30 minutes per day. |
Curriculum focus. Visual Arts. Camille and the Sunflowers. Story online: Task details. Focus on the picture evidence by looking at the clothes, footwear, transport, uniforms, furniture etc. What clues have you found from the story? See questions below as a guide. |
Story online: Focus on the picture evidence by looking at the clothes, footwear, transport, uniforms, furniture etc. What clues have you found from the story? See questions below as a guide. |
SESAW activities. Choose 2 activities from the list. |
Physical activity & Well-being. |
20 minutes Physical activity. Well-being- when was the last time that you went out into the garden and cloud watched and looked for pictures in the clouds? Today is the day. |
Maths examples of how to create a number sentence and
addition work.
Starlight Plan for the week.
Starlight Lesson Plan to accompnay Planes Trains and Airplanes topic. This is 2 week plan so please only consult for ideas or pick a few tasks, pointers etc from it. It is not prescriptive
and the Flashcards and new vocabulary online via the story link will be to aid the
exploration of the story,
rather than be learned off as sight words, but if your child wishes and is able, they can learn
some of the key new words too!!
Class |
Junior Infants |
Theme |
Holidays |
Unit |
15 |
Subtheme |
Going on holidays |
ge |
Genre:Report |
Shar |
Cars, Trains and Airplanes |
Voca |
Vocabulary Tier 1 examples: hat, holiday, travel, land, drive, camping, tent, visit, camera, island, land, airport, airplane, wings, trip, sunglasses, photographs, train, train station, conductor, sailing boat, pilot, engine, trip, camper van, plan Tier 2 words (nouns; verbs, adjectives, prepositions): different, across, through, many, some, places, around, there, hard, reach, distance, whistle, long, faraway, enormous, loud, travelling |
Online Resources Interactive text and/or printed big book; YouTube video clip and song, additional fiction stories below, e-prompts, dramatic play materials; sentence cards |
Lesson and Language focus. Focusing on prepositions of location, time and movement, e.g. across; through, before, out of, from, by. |
Cr |
Cross-curricular links. Geography: Record countries where children have been on holidays on a world map. Stick the mode of transport on each destination. Maths: Make a bar graph showing which mode of transport was most popular when travelling on holidays: car, train, boat or airplane. |
Aistear. Socio-dramatic play:Children practise being travel agents and customers, making bookings, checking passports, having phone conversations, etc. |
Relat |
Related books. Maisy Goes on a Plane: A Maisy First Experiences Book by Lucy Cousins |
Hom N/A |
Make a class book or display of shared descriptive writing about holidays using the five senses – what did you see/hear/taste/smell/touch? |
Element |
Learning outcome |
The child should be able to … |
Communicating |
LO 1, 2 |
Take part in, talk about and enjoy listening to the teacher read aloud the information text ‘Cars, Trains and Airplanes’. |
Understanding |
LO 3 |
Identify the title and author and discuss the illustration. Identify the first and last words in a sentence. Use rising intonation on the stressed syllable when reading the story title and individual words and sentences which end with an exclamation mark. Use rising intonation for sentences ending in a yes/no question. Use falling intonation for sentences ending with a ‘wh’ question. |
LO 4 |
Pronounce words ending with the consonant digraph /ng/, e.g. camping. Revise consonant digraph /ch/ from Unit 14, e.g. reach. |
LO 5 |
Read words ending with the consonant digraph /ng/, e.g. camping, and consonant digraph /th/, e.g. there. Identify tricky words ‘there’ and like’. |
LO 6 |
Identify, understand and read tier 1 words. Identify, understand and read tier 2 words. Identify synonyms for tier 2 words in the text e.g. enormous/huge; hard/ difficult; trip/journey. Revise opposites from Unit 14 (high/low; tall/petite; happy/sad) and identify opposites of tier 2 words from this unit. Elicit the meaning of words with multiple meanings, e.g. ‘reach’; ‘hard’. |
Exploring and using |
LO 7 |
Identify features of an explanation text. Recognise differences between a story, procedural and report text. |
LO 8, 9 |
Predict the story content. Make connections between the text and their own life. Ask and answer questions about the text. |
LO 10 |
Listen to fluent reading by the teacher, join in and self-correct, where possible. Use rising intonation for sentences ending in a yes/no question and falling intonation for sentences ending with a ‘wh’ question. |
Fortnightly plan
Lesson 1: Text read aloud |
Introduction: Introduction and discussion Development: Modelled reading; tier 1 vocabulary instruction Conclusion: Listen and sing along! |
Lesson 3: Practice reading |
Introduction: What am I? Development: Participation and practice reading Conclusion:Can you draw it? |
Lesson 2: |
Introduction: Storytime
Development: Shared reading, engagement and participation; tier 2 vocabulary instruction Conclusion: Pair work – words ending in ‘ng’ |
Lesson 4: Consolidation and follow-up |
Introduction:Listen and sing along!
Development: Explanation jigsaw reading activity
Conclusion:Independent writing Follow-up activities: Reading; share picture books |
Lesson 1: Text read aloud
Introduction and discussion LO 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9
Read and discuss the title of the big book ‘Cars, Trains and Airplanes’. Ask the class the following questions:
$1· Is this an information text or a story?
$1· How do you know?
$1· What other type of information texts have we covered? (Revise the procedural text ‘Let’s Make Pizza!’, Unit 13).
Explain to the class that this text is a report. Use the zoom tool to highlight that a report text has labels, diagrams and a glossary. Ask the class the following questions:
$1· What are the three ways we can travel based on the text title? (Prediction)
$1· Have you ever gone on a holiday? How did you get there?’ (Making connections)
Modelled reading; tier 1 vocabulary instruction LO 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 10
Use either the interactive or print big book to read through the text. Point to each word as it is being read either using the e-pointer or physical pointer and ask children to follow along with their eyes. Read the text as naturally as possible, phrased and fluent, though you may choose to slow the pace just a little for children to join in. Pause from time to time to allow children to make predictions about what will happen next. Focus on what’s happening in the pictures to aid comprehension and concentration.
With the e-text, use the spotlight tool to draw attention to tier 1 vocabulary without breaking the flow of reading e.g. holiday, travel, land, drive, camping, tent, visit, camera, island, airport, airplane, wings, trip, etc.
Remember:The aim at this stage is to model reading for children and instil interest in the storyline.
Listen and sing along! LO 1, 2, 4, 6
Play the picture book/song ‘We All Go Traveling By’ for the class:
When they are familiar with the song, encourage children to join in and sing along.
Lesson 2: Shared reading
StorytimeLO 1, 2, 6
Play the story The Big Trip by Valeri Gorbachev for the class:
Afterwards, ask the class the following questions:
$1· What are the modes of transport listed in the story? How many of them have you tried?
$1· Why does Goat think it is best to go on a trip with a friend?
$1· What mode of transport do you think is the best for taking a trip? Why?
Shared reading, engagement and participation; tier 2 vocabulary instruction LO 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10
Model intonation and fluency when reading either the interactive or print big book, particularly focusing on exclamation marks and question marks. Encourage children to copy/join in the reading the second time round. Encourage children to use rising intonation for sentences ending in a yes/no question, e.g. p. 2, 9; and falling intonation for sentences ending with a ‘wh’ question, e.g. p. 13. Ask children the following comprehension questions:
$1· Page 9: Do you know how a sailing boat moves? (Making connections)
$1· Page 11: What kind of things might you want to plan before going on a trip? (Making connections)
$1· Page 10: Are airplanes faster or slower than cars or boats? (Questioning)
Use the pen tool to circle and explicitly teach tier 2 words (verbs, adjectives; connectives) e.g. different, across, through, many, some, places, around, there, hard, reach, distance, whistle, long, faraway, enormous, loud. Use the zoom tool to focus on the tricky words ‘there’ and ‘like’. Use the reveal tool to identify the first and last word in a sentence, e.g. p. 3. Use the reveal tool to identify individual words ending with the consonant digraph /ng/, e.g. camping, and consonant digraph/th/, e.g. there.
Pair work: Words ending in ‘ng’ LO 1, 2 ,4, 5, 6, 10
Organise children in pairs and have them stand up, facing their partners. Children take turns saying words that end in ‘ng’, e.g. ring, sing, hang, long, song, etc. The child who can keep going the longest is the winner. At the end of the game, invite children to call out all the ‘ng’ words they can think of and write them on the whiteboard.
Lesson 3: Practice reading
What am I?LO 1, 2, 6
Select a mode of transport and describe it to the class without naming it, e.g. this has enormous wings (airplane); this leaves from a station (train); this moves in the water (boat); you can drive around Ireland in this (car). Children have to guess what mode of transport is being described. When they are familiar with the format, children could take turns giving the clues and other children in the class could give the answers. Record sentences in writing on the whiteboard for children to re-read. Encourage children to think of multiple ways to describe the same mode of transport, e.g. this is the fastest mode of transport; this travels through the sky; the person who drives this is called a pilot (airplane).
DevelopmentLO 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10
Participation and practice reading
Revisit the text using either the interactive or print big book. Move the focus from decoding words and sentences to reading with expression, particularly for exclamation marks and question marks.
Vary the reading, using echo reading, see-saw reading, group reading or shared reading.
Revisit text for different purposes and use the pen/reveal/zoom tools to further highlight/circle, hide or focus on words of interest, phrases or text features. Use the zoom tool to revise tricky words: ’there’, ‘like’. Use the reveal tool to revise words ending with the consonant digraph /ng/, e.g. camping; and consonant digraph /th/ e.g. there. Elicit synonyms for tier 2 words in the text, e.g. enormous/huge; hard/difficult. Revise opposites from Unit 14 (high/low; tall/petite; happy/sad) and identify opposites of tier 2 words from this unit e.g. loud/soft; long/short; hard/soft. Using the prompt, discuss words with multiple meanings, e.g. ‘reach’ e.g. Kate couldn’t reach (stretching arm) the bananas in the supermarket (Unit 14); some places in the world are hard to reach (get to) (Unit 15). Revise consonant digraph /ch/.
Can you draw it? LO 1,2, 4, 6, 7, 10
Give each child a blank page and drawing material. Ask children to divide their page into four and label (by tracing, copying or writing independently) each section with one form of travel – cars, planes, trains or boats. Read aloud one page from the text to describe the mode of travel and encourage children to draw the description, e.g. p. 6 ‘Trains stop at stations. The conductor blows his whistle when it’s time to go. All aboard!’ Children can then write/copy/trace a word, phrase or sentence for each picture.
Lesson 4: Consolidation and follow-up
Listen and sing along!LO 1, 2, 4, 6
Have the whole class listen to and sing the song ‘We All Go Travelling By’ again. (
Explanation jigsaw reading activity LO 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10
Organise the class in groups or pairs, depending on ability. Give each group a copy of the sentence cards in Lesson resource 1. Children have to read and re-construct and reconstruct the broken-up explanation text using their knowledge of cars, trains and airplanes.
Differentiation: This can also be done as a whole class activity, with teacher sticking the cards on the whiteboard and/or writing the sentence out to be read aloud.
Independent writing LO 1, 2, 6
Have children copy/trace/write one of the sentences made using the explanation jigsaw activity and illustrate.
Follow-up activities
Reading and shared picture books
Keep the unit’s big book, and the related picture books (if you are using them), in an area accessible to children for independent and familiar re-reading by children. Add the caption ‘Books We Have Read Together!’ Read and listen to more picture books on the topic of transport with the class, e.g. Steam Train, Dream Train by Sherri Duskey Rinker (
Interactive big book prompts
Cover |
Conventions of print – front cover, book title, information texts |
This is the front cover of this book. Do you know what the title of this book is? Do you think it will be a story book or an information book? Why do you think this? |
Page 2 |
Sight words |
This is the tricky word ‘there’. It is a tricky word because you can’t sound it out like other words. You have to recognise it by sight. Say it with me … ‘there’. Can you think of a sentence with the word ‘there’ in it? |
Page 3 |
Conventions of print – words and sentences |
Look at the last sentence on this page: ‘There are so many places to go!’ What is the first word in this sentence? What is the last word in this sentence? |
Page 4 |
Phonics: /ng/ |
Look at the word ‘camping’. It ends with the letters ‘ng’. The letters ‘ng’ make the sound /ng/. Can you think of another word that ends with the sound /ng/? |
Page 5 |
Comprehension strategy – making connections |
Have you ever gone on a long car journey? Where did you go? Did you take some photographs? |
Page 6 |
Phonemic awareness |
Listen to these two sentences: ‘Trains stop at stations. The conductor blows his whistle when it’s time to go.’ How many /s/ sounds can you hear? Can you say the sentence ‘Trains stop at stations’ quickly? |
Page 7 |
Comprehension strategy – making connections |
What kinds of things might you see out of a train window? |
Page 8 |
Vocabulary development |
Where have you seen the word ‘reach’ before? Remember when Kate couldn’t reach the bananas in the supermarket? In this book the word ‘reach’ has a different meaning – it means ‘get to’. ‘Some places are hard to reach’ means that some places are hard to get to. Can you think of a place that is hard to reach? |
Page 9 |
Comprehension strategy – making connections |
Do you know how a sailing boat moves? What do sailing boats have that other boats do not have? |
Page 10 |
Comprehension strategy – questioning |
Why do you think people travel by airplane when going to a place that is far away? Are airplanes faster or slower than cars or boats? |
Page 11 |
Vocabulary development |
Have you heard the word ‘enormous’ before? Do you know what it means? What other word could you use in this sentence instead of ‘enormous’? |
Page 12 |
Comprehension strategy – making connections |
What kind of things might you want to plan before going on a trip? Look at the picture for some clues. |
Page 13 |
Sight words |
This is the tricky word ‘like’. It is a tricky word because you can’t sound it out like other words. You have to recognise it by sight. Say it with me … ‘like’. Can you think of a sentence with the word ‘like’ in it? |
Tier 1 vocabulary
Thursday 28th of May.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Thursdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyof the Bank holiday weekend. |
Thursdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy of the Bank holiday weekend. |
Thursday yyyyyyyof the Bank holiday weekend. |
Phonics. |
Consonant digraph pair- ng. |
CVC/Sight Words. |
Use Starlight interactive flashcards to practice the new sight words, using the link below. |
Starlight. |
All about the supermarket: choose a different activity daily. |
Formation and writing. |
Handwriting Without Tears- letter w.
Free Writing. |
Optional Task. You could try this out over the next few weeks at home. Looking around the home/in the presses, write a shopping list of foods etc. from your home. You may even be able to write out a shopping list for your parents.
Maths. |
Combining sets of objects to total 5. Planet Maths Pupil Textbook, P110. Make sets of 5 by matching the sets of mushroom to each other. Colour the mushrooms. |
Irish. |
Abair Liom A- an phicnic. Revise all vocabulary, Maybe you could have your own family picnic Over the long-weekend and use the Irish words for items used and needed! |
Aistear. |
The Cafe/Coffe shop/Restraunt/Take-Away. |
30 minutes Aistear per day. Tidy away Aistear. |
SPHE and Well-being. |
SEESAW activity. Draw a dot on the page task on Seesaw. |
Draw a dot on a page or in the centre of a white board. Create a picture radiating out from the dot. |
Physical activity. |
20 minutes physical activity per day. |
Thursday. |
Wednesday 27th of May.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Wednesday yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy |
Wednesdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy |
Wednesdayyy |
Phonics. Consonant digraph pair-ng. |
CVC/Sight Words. Use Starlight interactive flashcards to practice the new sight words, using the link below. |
Starlight. All about the supermarket: choose a different activity daily. |
Formation and writing. Letter z formation. |
Free Writing- Optional. Using sight words or words from the story, Fish and Chips- write a shopping list for Kate and her Grandmother. Upload a picture or use the note pad on SEESAW app to show me your shopping list. |
Maths. SEESAW count and write activity. Seesaw task or if not on Seesaw, practice writing out the numbers 0 to 5. |
Aistear. The Café/Coffee Shop/Restraunt/take-away. 30 minutes Aistear daily. |
Visual Arts. Commotion in the Ocean pictures. Visit the link to hear the re-telling of the story Commotion in the Ocean; Draw/ colour or paint a fish or sea creature from the Commotion in the Ocean story. You could use wool, found objects and junk art to create a sea creature. Or Engage in some water play outside if it is sunny and you have adult help and supervision. |
SESE. The Oceans and Continents on Earth. |
P.E |
20 minutes activity per day. |
Wednesdayyyyyyyyy |
Wednesd |
Tuesday, 26th of May.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Tuesdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy |
Tuesdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy |
Tuesdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy |
P H O N I C |
Consonant digraph pair- ng. |
C V C/ SightWords |
Use Starlight interactive flashcards to practice the new sight words, using the link below. |
F O R M A T I O N |
Handwriting Without Tears- Lower case X. Trace the template at top of page. |
Free W riting. |
Free Writing- Why not write some of the sight words, CVC words and vowel writing words. SEESAW activity links. |
Starlight. |
All about the supermarket: choose a different activity daily. |
M A T H s |
Number, exploring the components of number. |
Planet Maths Pupil Workbook, P109. Count all the objects. Colour the correct amount of objects in each set. Upload a photo of this completed page to SEESAW. I can’t wait to see your work. |
I R I S H. |
Abair Liom A- an phicnic. Click on Cuardach 2- follow using workbook P 60/61. Revisit the story/scéal. Listen to the dán and click on foclóir 1 to play the interactive game. |
A I S T E A R |
Pupil decided topics of the Coffee SHOP, Take-Away, Restraunt and/or Bakery. |
30 minutes daily. |
Visual Arts. |
Sea of tranquillity. | |
M U S I C |
Commotion in the Ocean. |
Visit the link to hear the re-telling of the story Commotion in the Ocean; follow up by listening to the song, Commotion in the Ocean via link; Listen to the song and try to sing along. It is a very funny and fast song!! |
SPHE and Well-being. |
Gratitude and well being Give someone in your family/household a hug and tell them 2 reasons you are happy and grateful for them. |
Physical activity. |
20 minutes physical activity per day. |
Tuesdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy |
Handwriting Without Tears, letter Xx.
Monday, 25th of May.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Phonics. The ng sound is a consonant digraph. This is when 2 letters make 1 sound. Listen to the ng sound in the linked videos. Can you find any other words with ng in them? Using SEESAW, upload your ng words by uploading a list or make a voice recording telling me all the ng sounding words you found. |
Mondayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy |
Mondayyyyyyyyyyyyyy |
Mondayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy |
CVC/Sight Words. |
See word list attached to weekly plan for Starlight Core Reader story- Fish and Chips. Use Starlight interactive flashcards to practice the new sight words, using the link below. |
Reading. |
Core Reader 3-Fish and Chips. |
See Core reader lesson plan attached. This will span over the week. Read 3-4 pages daily. Before reading, predict what the story will be about. Who is in the story? Where are they? Is this a factual/fictional story? Why? |
Formation and writing. |
Handwriting Without Tears Booklet- see picture attached. Lower case y. |
Maths. |
Number- partitioning of sets, 1-5. |
Planet Maths Pupil Workbook, P 108. Draw the correct number of balls in each set. Count all the objects. Colour. |
Irish. |
Abair Liom A- an phicnic. Click on Cuardach 1- repeat the words. Follow the words by pointing to corresponding picture on your workbook page. Abair Liom A Pupil workbook, P60/61. Listen to the Scéal and dán. |
Aistear. |
The Chip Shop/Take away,Café or Bakey. Choose 1. |
Choose which eatery you prefer. Use toys and Junk Art to create an Aistear space. 3o minutes Aistear per day. |
Visual Arts. |
Junk Art. |
Create a Junk Art sign for your café /chip shop/take-away. |
Music. |
When the Boat comes In. Listen and respond to the song. Have you heard that tune before? |
Religion. |
Theme 9- At Mass we give thanks. |
Due to the lockdown restrictions at the moment we may not able to attend mass safely. This lesson tells the story of the Freeman family and the family outing to mass, who they meet, what happens etc. Log into Grow In Love to hear the story and see the posters. |
SPHE and Well-being. |
Daily reflection and gratitude exploration. SEESAW link activity. |
Physical activity. |
20 minutes physical activity daily. |
Handwriting Without Tears.
Starlight Core Reader plan. Pick ideas from the plan below.
Junior Infants Core/Foundation Reader 3 – Guided Reading and Writing Lesson Plan
Unit |
14 |
Text |
Core/Foundation Reader 3: Fish and Chips! |
Theme |
Food |
Subtheme |
The supermarket |
Genre |
Recount |
Book band |
Core: Red; Foundation: Pink |
Sight words |
you, were, said, they |
New words |
Core: Granny, shops, fish, chips, can’t, bags, lemons, till, cash, love, too Foundation: Granny, shops, can, fish, chips, bags, lemons, till, cash, yum |
Phonics focus |
/sh/, /ch/ |
Comprehension strategies |
Predicting, Making Connections, Determining |
Lesson resources |
Starlight: Core Reader 3 (p. 13–24) Starlight: Foundation Reader 3 (p. 13–24) Starlight: Junior Infant Skills Book (p. 21–24) Unit 14: Vocabulary lists (Core and Foundation) Digital: Unit 14 Vocabulary Flashcards; Unit 14 sight word activity |
Cross-curricular links |
Maths – Counting: Ask the children to carry out an activity where they fill a shopping basket with different numbers of food items from a list, e.g. 2 apples, 4 lemons, 1 orange, etc. This could be extended into an addition or subtraction activity, e.g. ‘If you buy two apples and eat one, how many apples are left?’ Maths – Money: In pairs, children could pretend that they are shopkeepers and customers in a supermarket. They could label toy foods with prices and engage with each other, using specific vocabulary such as: ‘How much altogether?’ They could then practise making change for simple amounts. Gaeilge: The theme Ag siopadóireacht could link in with the topic of food. The children could learn the vocabulary for different types of shops, e.g. siopa éadaí, siopa ceoil, siopa bréagáin. Then the children could set up these shops in the classroom. They could use simple phrases such as ‘Seo duit’ and ‘Go raibh maith agat’ while completing their transactions. SESE – Geography: The children could cover the theme ‘Caring for my locality’. The class could examine the contents of a typical shopping trolley and discuss how to dispose of the packaging: ‘Can it be recycled? Can it be reused? Which bin should it go into?’ This could also link in with Green-Schools Initiative. SESE – Science: The children could study how recycling affects their local natural environment. The class could take a nature walk to investigate local wildlife, and visit their local bottle bank. Art: The children could create fabric and fibre images of the local natural environment, using dried foods (e.g. pasta, rice, beans and lentils). PE: The class could play the ‘Fruit Salad’ game with a parachute. Choose four types of fruit and allocate one type to each child. The children gather to hold a parachute (each child holds on to the parachute). If you shout ‘Apple!’, all the apples switch places, etc. However, if you shout ‘Fruit salad!’, everyone must switch places without the parachute hitting the ground. This game could also be played without a parachute, in the style of ‘Musical Chairs’: a chair is removed from the circle every time the children get up. |
Games/Activities |
Song: ‘The Fruit Salad Song’ by The Wiggles (YouTube). Nursery rhyme:‘Hot Cross Buns’ (YouTube). Video: Peppa Pig, S2 E11, ‘The Boat Pond’ (YouTube). |
Aistear Links |
Sociodramatic play: The children could act out shop scenes with toy food, baskets, play money and a cash register, etc. Small world: The children could use Lego to build a variety of different shops which could form a miniature town. The teacher could elicit from the children what else the town might need (e.g. roads, a park, a school, a recycling centre). The children could use small figures to pretend to be the people of the town going about their business. Creative play/Construction: The children could use the packaging from a typical trolley or basket of shopping to make junk-art (e.g. paper-bag puppets, bottle rockets and juice-carton shoes). Sand/Water area: The children could use recycled pots and bottles to practise capacity in the sand/water area (e.g. ‘How many yoghurt pots full of sand/water will fill the ice cream tub?’) |
Differentiation |
Reading |
Parents/teachers can differentiate by using either the Foundation or the Core reader. A full list of levelled readers at a variety of book band levels for the theme of ‘Food’ can be found on p. 104 of the Teacher’s Guide. |
Writing |
All children carry out the same writing task (Starlight Junior Infants Skills Book p. 24). Writing is differentiated by outcome. |
Assessment |
Running record – Unit 14, Core Reader 3: Fish and Chips! Running record – Unit 14, Foundation Reader 3: Fish and Chips! |
Reading outcomes |
Element |
Learning outcome |
The child should be able to … |
Communicating |
LO 1 |
Enjoy reading a recount |
Understanding |
LO 3 |
Understand conventions of print, including exclamation marks and capital letters |
LO 5 |
Recognise the sight words: you, were, said, they Read CVC words and short simple sentences Use cues from pictures to read |
LO 6 |
Acquire new vocabulary from a recount (see new words lists) |
Exploring and using |
LO 7 |
Understand that a recount tells about something that has happened |
LO 8 |
Respond verbally to a simple recount and ask and answer questions about main events and characters |
LO 9 |
Make predictions and inferences about a recount Make connections with a recount Determine the importance of events in the recount |
LO 10 |
Read a simple recount supported by illustrations, building fluency |
Writing outcomes |
Element |
Learning outcome |
The child should be able to … |
Communicating |
LO 1 |
Enjoy drawing supermarket food items and creating a shopping list |
Understanding |
LO 3 |
Distinguish between reading and writing, and write left to right and top to bottom |
LO 4 |
Use letters to represent words Copy print Write simple words independently |
LO 5 |
Use new vocabulary about the supermarket in their writing |
Exploring and using |
LO 6 |
Draw and write about things that they would buy in the supermarket |
LO 7 |
Use the topic of ‘Food’ to write a simple text in collaboration with their parent/teacher. |
LO 9 |
Write some upper- and lower-case letters |
Friday, 22nd of May.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Phonics. |
A video about Vowel Digraphs. | |
Fridayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy |
CVC/Sight Words. |
Sight word activity. SEESAW. |
SEESAW activity. |
Formation and writing. |
Complete your Recount story Or Chalk/water work. See photo attached and link; Try writing letters/CVC or sight words on the footpath using chalk or if you have no chalk why not try water and paint brush. The water painting is super fun and you have be super-fast to complete the hopscotch game before the sun dries up all the water letters/words!! |
Maths. |
Number. Partitioning sets of objects to show component parts. |
SEESAW activity/link. See photos attached below. Today. Using a hula hoop or draw a set with chalk. Place items in the set. Use a skipping rope or string/ribbon to partition the set in several different combinations. Upload a video/photo of your work to SEESAW-optional. |
Aistear. |
The Pupil decided Aistear topic of ; The Zoo Or The Farm. |
30 minutes Aistear play daily. Take a picture or video of your Aistear play space and upload to SEESAW. I would love to see them Tidy away your space/toys for the weekend. |
SPHE and Well-being. |
Relaxation and breathing activities. |
or |
P.E and physical activity. |
20 minutes physical activity. |
If you enjoyed chalk writing the alphabet/CVC and sight words today, why not draw an obstacle course like in the picture below. |
Fridayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy |
Fridayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy |
Fridayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy |
Maths- partitioning of sets example pictures.
Chalk writing for Sight Words or PE.
Thursday, 21st of May.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Phonics. Vowel digraph ie. When 2 vowels go out walking, the first one does the talking. The first one shouts his name. |
Look around the toy box/house. Can you find any ie objects? Using SEESAW, upload a picture of any you find. |
Thursdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy |
CVC/Sight Words. |
Genre Writing. .Recount Writing. Look at your story plan from Monday. Write out your story on a sheet OR On SEESAW, go to journal, press the green + add and choose the Note to write your story by typing out what will happen or use the voice recorder to Tell me your story verbally. A template for the task is set in Activity section for Today. This is a 2 day task. |
Formation and writing. |
Maths. Number. Partitioning of sets to show component parts. |
Planet Maths Pupil Textbook, P107. Count all the objects in each set. Partition the sets. Count again. Colour the objects in each set. |
Thursdayyyyyy |
Irish. |
Sa bhaile- An Teach(The House-upstairs) Folens online Abair liom as per link below; Click on Cuardach 1 and listen to vocabulary. Click on the scéal to hear the story. Click on foclóir1/ 2 to play the games. Abair liom A Pupil Textbook, P91: tarraing/draw a picture of your bedroom and colour. |
Thursdayyyyyyyyyyyyyy |
Aistear. |
The ZOO or FARM. |
30 minutes Aistear per day. |
Religion. |
Theme 9- Food. Grow in Love Pupil Workbook, P51. Draw a picture of some of your favourite foods on the plates shown. SEESAW link. Upload a phot of your finished picture and why not use the voice recorder to tell me about your favourite meal/food. Chat about your favourite food. Pray the Grace before Meals Prayer. |
Grow in Love Pupil Workbook, P51. Draw a picture of some of your favourite foods on the plates shown. SEESAW link. Upload a phot of your finished picture and why not use the voice recorder to tell me about your favourite meal/food. Chat about your favourite food. Pray the Grace before Meals Prayer. |
SPHE and Well-being. |
Relaxation and breathing. Frozen inspired Yoga session. | |
P.E / physical activity. |
20 minutes physical activity per day. |
Thursdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy |
Thursdayyyy |
Wednesday 20th of May.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Phonics. |
Vowel Digraph of ie. Using a sheet or white/blackboard, write ie words from links or from this list. If you have magnetic letters/plastic letters make the words using them. |
Words: tie, pie, lie, dried, cried, flies, tied and untied. |
Wwednesday…………….. |
Wednesday…………….. |
Wednesday……………... |
CVC/Sight Words. Formation and writing. |
Revision work. Dolch list; Ate, for, this, of, go, is, has, like. Or SEESAW sight word activity. | |
Revise the sight words from your lists. Choose 2 new hard and 3 new easy words to revise. Write out the words and say them as you write and spell them OR Complete the Seesaw sight word task on Seesaw. |
Reading |
Reading Genres- Description. |
For your story, you have made your story web, created and written your Title. Now Create your character by; -Giving them a name. -Draw a picture of what they look like. -list/tell 3 things about them/ to describe them, example; happy, cross, funny, silly etc. SEESAW- optional upload of your work. |
M A T H . |
Number. Partitioning of set work. |
Planet Maths Pupil Textbook, P106. Look at the objects in each set. Name the different sets of objects. Count all the objects in each set. Partition the sets by drawing a line through the set, just like in the example on the top of the page. Count the objects in the set again. What has changed? What has stayed the same? |
I R I S H |
Sa bhaile- An Teach(The House-upstairs) Folens online Abair liom as per link below; Click on Cuardach 1 and 2 and listen to the story again, repeat key vocabulary. Click on the scéal to hear the story and amhrán to sing the song. Click on foclóir 2 to play the matching game. See P90 of Abair liom Pupil Textbook- draw the missing objects and colour the pictures. |
Aistear. |
Pupil decided topic. |
30 minutes per day. The Zoo or Farm. |
Visual Arts. |
The Way Back Home, by Oliver Jeffers. |
Seesaw doodle activity- optional. |
Music/SESE. |
Space Oddity by David Bowie. Listen and respond to the song as per link. How does the song link with our topic of Space. Captain Chris Hadfield became very famous for playing this song from the International Space station in space. Watch the video to see Captain Hadfield on board the International Space Station. Ask an adult about/to help you find out about the International Space Station. |
P.E |
20 minutes physical activity per day. |
Wednesday. |
Tuesday, 19th of May.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
P H O N I C S |
Vowel digraph ie pair. Find as many words that contain ie as you can. |
Write the letters ie on the centre of a sheet/ page in your copy. Draw your ie words, with pictures all around the page. Underline the ie digraph in each word. |
Tuesdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy |
Tuesdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy |
tuesdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy |
Revision and development week. |
Revise the following Dolch words; A, all, and, are, at. Say the words, put them into a sentence and write the words to learn the shape. Make in playdough or using magnetic letters. OR SEESAW activity link.
R E A D I N G |
Genre work. |
Re-read the Big Tree using photos attached below and using SEESAW. Identify the Title, Who? Where? And When? Sequence the events- what happened? How did the events make the author feel? Is this story a good example of Recount? |
Formation and writing. |
Genre Writing- Recount. |
SEESAW ACTIVITY. Using template on SEESAW, write your story Title. |
M A T H S |
Number- exploring components of number. |
Planet Maths Pupil Textbook, P 105. Draw the correct amount of spots on each Butterfly. Colour the butterflies. |
I R I S H |
Sa bhaile- An Teach(The House-upstairs) Folens online Abair liom as per link below; Click on Cuardach 1 and 2, drag the mouse to hear the new words. Repeat the words. Open your Abair liom book on page 88/89. Point to the words on your page. Click on the scéal to hear the story. Follow the story on your book poster P88/89 Click on amhrán on home page. Sing along 2-3 times. Click on foclóir 1 to play the interactive matching game. |
Aistear. |
The ZOO or FARM. 30 minutes Aistear per day. |
A R T. |
The Way Back Home, by Oliver Jeffers. Draw your favourite part of the story and colour using crayons, pencils or paints. |
M U S I C |
The Way Back Home, by Oliver Jeffers. Listen to the music in the background of the story. What kind of music is it? Is the music happy or sad? Does it make you feel happy or sad? Is the story better with or without the music? Can you name any of the instruments you hear? Draw a picture of the instruments you identified. |
R E L I G ION. |
Theme 9- Food. |
Story 2- Mesi’s Evening. Compare life for Mesi with life in your home. Pupil Workbook, P50 Circle and colour the food Mesi eats. |
S P H E |
The Way Back Home, by Oliver Jeffers. The story deals with feeling scared. What feelings were felt by the Alien and Boy in the story? The Alien and the Boy had to say goodbye at the end of the story. How do you think they felt? How did/do you feel saying goodbye to a friend? |
P.E |
20 minutes physical activity per day. |
Monday 18th of May.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Phonics. |
New digraph of ie. A child dressed as a Sailor stands in front of the Mirror and salutes, using his hand raised to his forehead. He says, ie, ie. Think of a sailor saluting the Captain by saying, ie ie captain. 2 vowels of ie go out walking and this time they say the i name. This is also called the long i sound. |
Song: Sound work: Seesaw link activity. Upload a video/photo or voice recording of your ie, ie captain salute! I can’t wait to hear them. |
CVC/Sight Words. |
Stop and revise week. This week we will be revising and developing some of the words we covered over the last few weeks. Complete using SEESAW activities and tasks set by teacher on Seesaw daily. |
Pupils not using SEESAW, please use your Word-wall and Dolch list and take 2 easy and 2 hard/tricky words daily and revise them using magnetic letters, drawing/writing on paper or white/blackboard. |
For those not using Seesaw please; -revise your wordwall- see picture attached. Choose 3 easy words and 3 harder words. Draw the words on a sheet/whiteboard or blackboard. Trace over them several times, using different colours each time. |
Reading. |
Genre Reading Week.- Recount The Big Tree. |
SEESAW LESSON and video reading of story. See pictures attached also. |
Formation and writing. |
Genres of Writing Week. Recount-Text structure. Title: ________________________________ pick a topic/title. Orientation: Who? Where? When? Sequence of events: What happened? Personal Comment: How did the events make the writer feel? This week we will read (as above) and write a recount piece. Today you will just collect your ideas and make a plan about your story. It may help to draw a picture of your ideas or you can make a story web/map as shown below. |
Maths. |
Number- exploring components of number. Planet Maths Pupil Textbook, P104. Count all the spots on each fish. Write the correct number. Colour the fish. Remember to do your best and neatest colouring. |
Irish. |
Sa bhaile- An Teach(The House-upstairs) Folens online Abair liom as per link below; Click on Cuardach 1 and listen to vocabulary. Click on the scéal to hear the story. |
Aistear. |
Pupil decided topic this week of THE ZOO or THE FARM. 30 MINUTES Aistear per day. |
30 minutes paly per day. |
Religion. |
Theme 9: We Give Thanks. Grow In Love. Lunch prayer. |
Thank You God, for food! Story- Monday Morning in Malawi. Chatting and responding to the story. |
SESE/ oral language. |
The Way Back Home, by Oliver Jeffers. Listen to the story using the link. Can you re-tell the story, sequencing the events in order? Do you think the story is true/realistic/possible? Why? Why not? What was your favourite part of the story? |
P.E and physical activity. |
20 minutes physical activity per day. |
Genre Writing.
Recount Writing Plan.
Story Map- see sheet attached as a guide. Use words or pictures.
Genre Reading- Recount.
The Big Tree.
Dear Children and Parents,
Thank you all so much for the level of engagement in both
Seesaw and online school work.
This week we continue with our phonics, reading ,
maths and cross-curricular links and lessons.
Our theme this month is Space and already
I can see how engaged the children are in this topic.
Keep up the brilliant work.
I am so aware that the children are more than a little
disappointed that we will not be able to return to our
happy yellow Junior room and are really missing their
friends and classmates. We must remeber that this is
for all our good and that it will not be forever.
I will post archive/library pictures daily to remind the
children of the class year so far and the school, both
here and on Seesaw.
In the meantime.
Stay safe and well,
Sunflowers for super stars!!!
Children, do you remember I planted sunflowers
for you a few weeks ago?
Well every day, after I log into Seesaw and see
your superb tasks, I head out into
the garden and check on your flowers.
This week, they are really flying up out of
the soil- a bit like you children, growing
bigger and stronger and preparing for next
year and Senior Infants.
They are Sunflowers for Superstars!!
Starlight Reading, Oral langauge and Sight word online resouces and Big Book,
flashcards and interactive games and activity details for the week are;
Starlight Big Book; What do you wear to SCHOOL?
Starlight Interactive Poster and activities;
Friday 15th of May.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
P H O N I C S |
REVISION TIME: When 2 vowels go out walking, the first one does the talking. The first one shouts its name. |
and Check that the rule applies to the vowel digraphs we have covered so far; ee, or, ai and oa. Tell me your answer and why using the voice recorder on SEESAW. |
Reading. |
Re-read the BIG book. |
CVC/Sight Word. |
Sight words from the Big Book above- to be read, said and repeated aloud. Point to each word and repeat. Make words with playdough, magnetic letters, write and paint/draw the words throughout the week. Repetition is key. We are exposing the children to recognising these words slowly and with practice. Find the words in the story and in other print. This week we are covering the Tier 1 examples: shirt, jumper, t-shirt, trousers, skirt, dress, tie, socks, shoes, boots, trainers, coat, hat, gloves, tracksuit. Advanced readers move to=Tier 2 examples: heavy, comfortable, uncomfortable, similar, different. |
Formation and writing. |
From the words in TIER 1 above, write or form words in playdough or from magnetic letters. Match words to 3 real life clothing items if possible. Upload a photo to SEESAW. Happy creating. |
Maths. |
Number 1-5. Ordering numerals. Matching numbers to sets of objects.
Planet Maths Pupil Textbook,P97. Write the Missing numerals. Trace the numerals by joining the dots. Colour the Caterpillars. |
Aistear. |
The Hairdressers/Barber Shop. 30 minutes play. Tidy away Aistear. Using SEESAW voice recorder, list any topics you would like to see coming up for Aistear. |
30 minutes play and then tidy away the Aistear for this week. Using SEESAW please create a voice recording telling me about the topics or socio-dramatic play topics you would like to have for Aistear over the next little while. We can try to do as many of your suggestions as possible. |
Visual Arts. |
Junk Art Alien. Did you create a Junk Art Alien? Don't forget to upload an image of it on Seesaw. |
Did you upload a video or photo of your Junk Art Alien or other Space Junk creations? I would love to see them. SEESAW link. |
Religion. |
Mary in May. |
Keep going with daily work on the Hail Mary Prayer. |
SPHE and Well-being. |
Relaxation and breathing. Why not take a few minutes out and try your own yoga/breathing. You may prefer to try this link also over the weekend.
A Saturday morning Yoga session; |
ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt |
P.E. |
20 minutes physical activity daily. |
ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt |
Thursday 14th of May.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Phonics. |
Vowel Digraphs. Revise oa pair using links over. | |
Worklist for Thursday |
Reading. |
Re-reading story along with e-book/Big Book. Explore the glossary and sight words. |
CVC/Sight Words. |
Sight words from the Big Book- to be read, said and repeated aloud. Point to each word and repeat. Make with playdough, magnetic letters, write and paint/draw the words throughout the week. Repetition is key. We are exposing the children to recognising these words slowly and with practice. Find the words in the story and in other print. This week we are covering the Tier 1 examples: shirt, jumper, t-shirt, trousers, skirt, dress, tie, socks, shoes, boots, trainers, coat, hat, gloves, tracksuit. Advanced readers move to=Tier 2 examples: heavy, comfortable, uncomfortable, similar, different. |
Formation and writing. |
Diver Letter, Mm. P35 of booklet. Use steps; Start with n. swim up and over. Down. Remember m has 2 humps. |
Trace the bold black letters at top of sheet using your finger first. Now use your pencil to trace the steps in forming m. Start on the dot. Copy M and m. Trace over and then make your own copy of the words on the lines. Choose your favourite Mm. Take a photo of your Mm work and upload to SEESAW. |
Maths. |
Number 1-5. Comparing and ordering. Matching numbers to sets of objects. |
Revisit P 96 of Planet Maths Pupil Textbook. SEESAW link- upload a photo of your finished work or if you have beads, counters or blocks, why not make 3D representations for each number 1-5 and upload or video your work. |
Irish. |
Cinnín Óir agus na Trí Bhéar. Story of Cinnín Óir. |
Abair Liom Workbook, P85. Join the dots and colour in the pictures. Name each of the 3 objects in Irish. |
Aistear. |
The Hairdressers/Barber Shop. |
30 minutes daily. |
Visual Arts. |
Junk Art Alien. |
When complete upload your picture to SEESAW. |
Space- The Moon Landing and Neil Armstrong. |
and |
Religion. |
Mary in May. |
Continue with the Hail Mary. |
P.E and physical activity. |
20 minutes daily. |
Wednesday 13th of May Worklist.
Phonics. Vowel Digraph pair of oa. Write 4 oa words on SEESAW using drawing pad or notebook. |
and |
Work list for Wednesday 13th of May, 2020. |
Formation. |
Diver Letters P34 of booklet. Letter Nn, with a focus on the lower case n. SEESAW LINK Activity for letter Nn. | |
Reading. |
As per links above this list on folens. 2-3 pages daily.
CVC /sight words. |
Sight words from the Big Book- to be read, said and repeated aloud. Point to each word and repeat. Make with playdough, magnetic letters, write and paint/draw the words throughout the week. Repetition is key. We are exposing the children to recognising these words slowly and with practice. Find the words in the story and in other print. This week we are covering the Tier 1 examples: shirt, jumper, t-shirt, trousers, skirt, dress, tie, socks, shoes, boots, trainers, coat, hat, gloves, tracksuit. Advanced readers move to=Tier 2 examples: heavy, comfortable, uncomfortable, similar, different. |
Maths. |
Counting 1-5. Matching numbers to quantities. Planet Maths Pupil Textbook, P96. Draw the correct number of beads on each string. Colour the correct amount of blocks. |
Irish. Cinnín Óir agus na Trí Bhéar. Abair liom Workbook, P84. Follow the story using the pictures. Point to key words of; Cinnín Óir( Goldilocks), gúna(dress), teach beag(little house), trí bhabhla( 3 bowls), leite(porridge), beag,mór,agus an-mhór( small, big and bigger), cathaoir( chair), leaba (bed). Re listen to story using link; |
Aistear. The Hairdressers/Barber Shop. |
30 minutes play daily. |
Music. Music from the Movies Quiz- Space tunes/films. Listen to the music as linked here- Can your family name the film it is from? Why do you think this piece of music was chosen for a space film? Does it match our idea of space and space travel? |
Religion. Month of May, Mary. |
Continue to learn the Hail Mary. |
P.E and Well-being. 20 minutes physical activity daily. Taking time out to relax and engage in breathing exercises such as our 5 inter-connected breaths and yoga. Why not try this Minecraft Cosmic Kidz Yoga: |
Work list for Wednesday 13th of May 2020. |
Letter Nn- diver letter.
Work list for Tuesday 12th of May.
Subject. |
Phonics. Vowel digraph pair of oa. See links over and then, draw and write 5 things/objects that have oa in them. Did you find; coat, boat, moat, float, moan, groan, loan… Which others did you find. |
Reading: Starlight/folensonline. Big Book, What do you wear to School? Read Pages 6-9. Follow the yellow highlighted text and read along. |
CVC/Sight Words. Sight words from the Big Book- to be read, said and repeated aloud. Point to each word and repeat. Make with playdough, magnetic letters, write and paint/draw the words throughout the week. Repetition is key. We are exposing the children to recognising these words slowly and with practice. Find the words in the story and in other print. This week we are covering the Tier 1 examples: shirt, jumper, t-shirt, trousers, skirt, dress, tie, socks, shoes, boots, trainers, coat, hat, gloves, tracksuit. Advanced readers move to=Tier 2 examples: heavy, comfortable, uncomfortable, similar, different. |
Formation and writing. Diver letters, next sheet-see P32. Letter Pp- dive down. Swin up and over, around and bump! Trace over the formation steps with your finger first, then pencil. Trace and copy the p words on sheet provided. See picture attached of correct page as per booklet. |
Maths. Number order, 1-5. Planet Maths Page 95. Ring the correct number in each row. Colour the objects. |
Irish. Cinnín Óir agus na Trí Bhéar. Story of Cinnín Óir. Listen to the names each word using Folensonline- Abair Liom A online resources.
Aistear. The Hairdressers/Barber Shop- 30 minutes Aistear play per day. |
Visual Arts. Junk Art Alien art. Junk Art- Any day this week ,find some boxes and containers no longer needed. Create a Junk Art Alien from Space. Upload a photo or video of your Junk Art Alien to SEESAW. |
Religion. Mary in May. Daily work on the Hail Mary Prayer. |
SPHE and Well-being. 2 Stars and a Wish Activity, using SEESAW. Think of 2 things that were really good about this week. Draw a picture of them- they are your stars. Now think of 1 thing/area of life that could be even better. That is your wish- draw a picture of it beside the 2 star pictures. Reflect on your week. SEESAW upload using a photo of your pictures or if you would like to tell me your 2 stars and wish, simply add/upload a voice recording. |
P.E and physical activity. 20 minutes physical activity. filmed before lockdown. |
Monday 11th of May.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Phonics. |
oa- vowel digraph. |
Sound and song at Word activity- |
Reading |
Starlight/folensonline. Big Book, What do you wear to School? |
Listen to the Reading Song. Sing along. Reading along with the Big Book, follow the text as it is highlighted yellow. Read and Re-read pages 2-5. Explore the pictures/illustrations and read the Author’s name. Contrast and compare your uniform to the uniforms shown. |
CVC/Sight Words. |
Sight words from the Big Book- to be read, said and repeated aloud. Point to each word and repeat. Make with playdough, magnetic letters, write and paint/draw the words throughout the week. Repetition is key. We are exposing the children to recognising these words slowly and with practice. Find the words in the story and in other print. This week we are covering the Tier 1 examples: shirt, jumper, t-shirt, trousers, skirt, dress, tie, socks, shoes, boots, trainers, coat, hat, gloves, tracksuit. Advanced readers move to=Tier 2 examples: heavy, comfortable, uncomfortable, similar, different. |
Formation and writing. |
Diver letters- Look for b sheet as per picture below. To form the lower case letter b, start at the top, dive down. Swim up and over and around and bump. Complete sheet as per picture OR Seesaw letter Bb formation task. | Using your finger first, follow the steps and trace the letter. Repeat 3 times. Now using your pencil trace over the big/bold letter b at the top and complete the line of Bb at the bottom. On the reverse of this sheet, continue to form and write the letter b. Circle your favourite/best b and send a picture of your work to SEESAW. |
Maths. |
First and Last. Have a chat about what First and last means. Have you ever been first/last? What places or times require us to line up/queue? |
Planet Maths pupil Textbook, Page 94. Using your finger point to the first and last in each row. Colour the first one in each row blue and the last one in each row red. |
Irish. |
Cinnín Óir agus na Trí Bhéar. Story of Cinnín Óir. CÚLA 4 app. TG4 cartoons as Gaeilge. |
Aistear. |
The Hairdressers/Barber Shop. |
30 minutes Aistear play per day. |
Visual Arts. |
Junk Art- Any day this week, find some boxes and containers no longer needed. Create a Junk Art Alien from Space. Upload a photo or video of your Junk Art Alien to SEESAW by Friday. |
Music. |
Space Songs. Listen to the 8 planet space song. | |
Religion. |
May, Month of Mary. |
This month we can try to learn the Hail Mary Prayer. I will post a text of words below. Daily recitation will help the children learn this prayer. |
Space. See links over to explore the human struggle to make it to Space. It became known as the Space Race. SEESAW Planet activity Task. |
and |
P.E and physical activity. |
20 minutes physical activity per day. | |
Starlight Reading and Oral langauge plan for this week.
This will span the entire week and act as a menu to take ideas from.
Class |
Junior Infants |
Theme |
School |
Unit |
9 |
Subtheme |
My classroom |
Genre |
Report |
Shared text title |
What Do You Wear to School? |
Vocabulary |
Tier 1 examples: shirt, jumper, t-shirt, trousers, skirt, dress, tie, socks, shoes, boots, trainers, coat, hat, gloves, tracksuit Tier 2 examples: heavy, comfortable, uncomfortable, similar, different |
Lesson resources |
Interactive text, supporting picture book, picture cards, printable report template, multimedia links, e-prompts. |
ELL focus |
1. Forming full sentences using adjectives to describe their uniform/non-uniform clothes 2. Opposites: similar/different, comfortable/uncomfortable 3. Identifying the difference between ‘this’ and ‘these’ (See pp. 5 + 6 of big book) |
Cross curricular links |
Arts and Crafts: Make a collage of your school uniform using coloured paper. |
Aistear |
$1· Set up a mini-classroom station during structured play sessions, using pictures or photos of different types of school uniform as ‘snap cards’. Arrange the cards face down. Children turn over the cards and describe the uniform they see in the picture, e.g. This uniform is red and grey. It looks comfortable. It is similar to my uniform. $1· 2. Create small book versions of What I Wear to School for sharing, retelling or rereading the text in a small group. |
Related picture books |
You’re Wearing THAT to School? by Lynn Plourde
Element |
Learning outcome |
The child should be able to … |
Communicating |
LO1, 2 |
Take part in and enjoy listening to, reading and talking about a report on what people wear to school. |
Understanding |
LO3 |
Understand conventions of print including: title, author and illustrator, words and sentences, left-right directionality, spaces between words, the concept of labels. |
LO4 |
Recognise rhyming words (e.g. cold, mould, fold, bold). |
LO5 |
Recognise words beginning with /l/ and /f/. Identify written rhyming word patterns from flashcards, (e.g. /old/ - cold, mould, sold, bold, fold). Recognise sight words, (e.g. have). |
LO6 |
Acquire and understand new vocabulary from listening to a report. Identify adjectives describing school uniform/non-uniform clothing in a text |
Exploring and using |
LO7 |
Identify the features of an informational report. |
LO8, 9 |
1. Make predictions based on the front cover of a text. 2. Make connections between their own lives and the lives of others. |
LO10 |
Listen to fluent reading by the teacher, join in and self-correct, where possible. Listen to differences in intonation between fiction and non-fiction reading. |
Reading and Oral langauge plan.
Lesson 1: Text read aloud by teacher |
Introduction: Introduction and discussion Development: Modelled report reading; tier 1 and 2 vocabulary instruction; group vocabulary game Conclusion: If you’re wearing a uniform, clap your hands! |
Lesson 3: Practice reading |
Introduction: Show and tell Development: Participation and practice reading; Sight words and phonics focus Conclusion: How do you get dressed? |
Lesson 2: Shared reading |
Introduction: Finish the sentence Development: Shared reading, engagement and participation Conclusion: Barrier game – design a uniform; homework – be a reporter! |
Lesson 4: Consolidation and follow up |
Introduction: Pair talking task Development: Report writing Conclusion: Interactive display |
Lesson 1: Text read aloud by adult.
Introduction and discussion LO 3, 8, 9
Conduct a show and tell using the non-fiction book What do you wear to school? and another fiction big book. Elicit differences from the children between fiction and non-fiction. Discuss the cover of the book and predict the information text content, e.g.:
$1· What do you see in this picture?
$1· Who is the author of this story?
$1· Can you read the title?
$1· Can you tell me anything you already know about school uniforms?
Introduce the concept of a ‘report’ as factual, giving information and providing details. Show example reports on a range of topics from
Modelled report reading; tier 1 and 2 vocabulary instruction LO 1, 6, 8, 9, 10
Use either the interactive or print big book to read through the story while children listen. If using the printed book, point to each word as it is being read and ask children to follow along with their eyes. Pause from time to time to engage in critical discussion about the pictures on each page. Ask children a variety of differentiated comprehension questions, such as:
$1· What do you wear to school?
$1· Do we have a uniform in our school?
$1· If you have a uniform, can you describe it?
$1· What clothes do you wear for sports?
$1· Why do many schools have uniforms?
$1· What is good about wearing/not wearing a uniform?
$1· Why do we wear different clothes when playing sports?
$1· What is the difference between uniforms in hot and cold countries?
Group vocabulary game LO 3
Arrange the children in groups of four. Ask them to guess tier 1 words using picture cards (see Lesson resource 1). The children take turns drawing the picture cards without letting the other children see it. They then describe the item without naming it, (e.g. jumper: you wear this over your shirt in winter, it’s fuzzy and keeps you warm, etc.). The other children must guess what the item is.
If you’re wearing a uniform, clap your hands! (tier 1 vocabulary) LO 3
Ask the whole class to participate in singing and performing a version of ‘If You’re Happy And You Know It,’ but substituting items of your school’s uniform (or common non-uniform clothing items) for feelings, e.g.:
If you’re wearing a grey jumper (children point to their jumper), clap your hands (children clap twice)
If you’re wearing a grey jumper, clap your hands,
If you’re wearing a grey jumper, clap your hands, clap your hands,
If you’re wearing a grey jumper, clap your hands.
If you’re wearing black socks/a white shirt/a red tie, stamp your feet/shout hooray/do all three, etc.
Encourage children to sing along and to clearly identify each item of clothing named by pointing to it or touching it as they sing.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Phonics. |
Revision of “ai” Revise the song, rhyme and action. Can you name 5 words with “ai” sounds in them. | |
CVC/Sight Words. |
Revise all the words we covered this week. | |
Formation and writing. |
Formation Booklet- next sheet, 26 and the lower case letter Ll. See example of sheet below. |
Use the rhyme. Start at the top, down. Bump the line. Trace the L and l. Trace over and then form/copy the words at the bottom. Or Complete the Ll formation on Seesaw. |
Maths. |
Can you find any Zero numbers around your house? Photograph and upload or voice record a list of the examples of Zero you found. |
Irish. |
Revise Na dathanna. Uimhreacha 1-10. Eadaí. |
1 programme daily on TG4- cartoons etc. or the topics revised using the CÚLA 4 app. This app is free and I would highly recommend it for key vocabulary in a child friendly way. See picture below. |
Aistear. |
The school/classroom. |
30 minutes Aistear and then tidy up school for weekend. |
Music. |
Revise the Solar System and Sun songs as per link below. and |
Religion. |
Grow In love. Seasonal Lesson 5- Mary. |
Grow in Love Pupil Book, Page 63. Chat about the pictures and then colour the picture of Mary on P62. |
P.E |
20 minutes Physical activity. | |
Handwriting Without Tears, letter Ll sheet.
CÚLA 4 App.
Thursday 7th of May.
Daily Reading from Starlight Core Reader- On the Farm as per link and lesson layout plan
further down on this web page. 2-3 pages per day and new words/sight word activities
and flashcards.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Phonics. |
“ai” digraph. |
CVC/Sight Words. |
Do and have. Starlight NEW WORDS as per Core Reader On the Farm. Details as per plan below and link. | |
Formation and writing. |
Tricky Letter Kk. Using wool, string, links, ribbon etc., form the letter Kk using 2 pieces. Remember our line names; BIG line, LITTLE line. |
Activity on SEESAW OR Activity here on left. Upload a photo of your work. I can’t wait to see them. |
Maths. |
Zero is an empty set. The number Zero even looks like an empty set or hula hoop. |
Planet Maths Textbook, Page 93. Write the correct number for each set, especially the sets with Zero objects in them. Colour and remember to do your neatest, most careful colouring. Revise Zero song; |
Irish. |
Eadaí- Clothes. |
See pictures below and on SEESAW. Name the clothes shown. Try to use the Irish words instead this week and teach to your younger siblings or family members. |
Aistear. |
School/classroom 30 minutes Aistear daily. Use sheet or blackboard to teach the “ai” sound and your new sight words to your class. |
Visual Arts, Music and SESE. |
Space and the Solar System. SEESAW TASK, | |
Religion. |
Grow In love. Seasonal Lesson 5- Mary. |
Story, Ave Maria. The story of Aoibhinn and her Nan. Listen to the story and chat about it. |
SPHE and Well-being. |
Taking 5 minutes out. |
Take 5 minutes to Breathe, using your hand tracing, 5 inter-connected breaths. |
P.E |
See Physical Gross and Fine Motor activity list below. | |
Wednesday, 6th of May.
Reading of Core Reader, On the Farm, as per plan outlined below on this web page.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Phonics. |
Vowel digraph- ai. Sound and jolly song as per top link over. |
Draw 5 “ai” words from the list below; Pain,snail, hail,sail,rain,train,chain,brain and paint. SEESAW link- upload a photo of your pictures or draw in seesaw using drawing pad and add. |
CVC/Sight Words. |
Too and to. Explore the difference between the words to and too. | SEESAW task- explain the difference between to and too using the voice recorder. Put the words into spoken sentences. |
Formation and writing. |
New Formation Booklet- see picture attached. Tricky Letters- Kk. Follow the Karate Kick rhyme and trace the letters and words on the Sheet. |
Revise pencil grip and starting letters at the top songs. |
Maths. |
Zero Song as per link. SEESAW activity to draw/make number Zero. See poor Zero Dog in photo below. | |
Irish. |
Na dathanna-colours. Uimhreacha- 1 go dtí 10. |
TG4 show well known cartoons, such as PJ Masks after 3pm in the afternoon as Gaeilge. This is a great way to expose your child to listening to Irish in a fun and engaging way. |
Aistear. |
3o minutes daily- The School/Classroom. |
SESE/Music and Visual Arts combined topic. |
Name the Solar System Planets in order. The sun is not a planet- explore the sun- what it is made of, how it helps life on Earth and draw a picture of our Sun. See mini lesson link below and Sun song; |
Religion. |
Grow In Love- Seasonal Lesson. Mary in the Month of May. |
May is the Month when we celebrate Mary, the Mother of God. This year with the Schools and Churches closed, a May altar will be a wonderful space to create in the house. I know I have fond memories of creating a May Altar as a child with my Granny. |
P.E and physical activity. |
20 minutes physical activity. |
SEESAW link- using the voice recorder or a picture, tell me about the types of activities you are doing. Or; |
Poor ZERO Dog has no food in his bowl.
Zero looks like an empty bowl or hula hoop.
Sight words of to and too.
Handwriting formation of tricky letter Kk.
Use the Karate Kick approach as per KK sheet in your pack/folder.
Work list for Tuesday, 5th May.
Please see the weekly Starlight Core Reader plan below and Starlight Core Reader Link.
This plan will span the entire week and can be used as a menu of reading related tasks,
and content to be adapted. Daily reading is key to helping the children connect their
sight words, CVC word, phonics and indeed writing skills.
Subject. |
Activity |
Workbook Pages and links. |
Phonics. |
Vowel digraph- ai. Sound and jolly song as per top link over. My ear hurt I was in pain, ai, ai- cup your hand around your ear to hear and say “ai”. |
SEESAW Link activity- find words that have the “ai” sound in them. |
Reading- Core Reader as per plan below. this plan and link will span the week. CVC/Sight Words--Dolch Reading List- see sheet in work folder. New words of Be and Big. Say the words several times. Explore what they mean and try putting the words into sentences or a funny story. Repeat throughout the day. |
Formation and writing. |
Formation booklet- see picture below. Printing Power P21- Letter Uu. Follow the letter formation directions of Down, Travel up, Bump and back down bump. |
Revise the starting to write song- Where do you start your letters? the top. And Pick Up a pencil song via links below. and |
Maths. |
Meet Zero Dog. |
Planet Maths Textbook- Page 92. Poor Zero Dog went to the bowl. It was empty. He went to the press. It was empty. Poor Zero Dog. The number Zero is an empty number and even looks like an empty hula hoop or container. Starting at the top, trace the number zero and colour the picture of Zero Dog. |
Irish. |
Na dathanna- colours. |
See Pictures below. Name each colour in Irish. I would highly recommend the CÚLA 4 app. It is a great way to repeat and learn key vocabulary, especially numbers and colours etc. |
Aistear. |
The School/Classroom. |
Create a classroom for your Aistear this week. If you have a blackboard, small table for a desk, teddies for pupils, crayons, markers, old copies/notebooks and sheets of paper and so on. Setting up a small school somewhere in the house may be helpful in the house over the next few weeks and keep the kitchen table clear! |
SESE- The Solar System. |
There are 8 planets in the Solar System. We are going to learn the names of them this week. See links attached for fun and catchy songs to learn the planet names. |
Religion. |
Daily morning, lunch and evening prayers. |
SPHE /Well-being. |
Feelings activity on SEESAW. |
P.E |
20 minutes physical activity. Free style or using work outs like below link. |
Starlight Core Reader link and weekly plan.
Junior Infants Core/Foundation Reader 2 – Guided Reading and Writing Lesson Plan
Unit |
11 |
Text |
Core/Foundation Reader 2: On the Farm |
Theme |
Animals |
Subtheme |
The farm |
Genre |
Report |
Book band |
Core: Red; Foundation: Pink |
Sight words |
here, is, are, has |
New words |
Core: fun, farm, Zeb, cat, hi, milk, Peg, hen, six, eggs, Rex, sheep dog, plays, in, grass, pig, mud, piglet, pen Foundation: farm, Zeb, cat, milk, Peg, hen, six, eggs, Rex, dog, pig, mud |
Phonics focus |
/z/, /w/ |
Comprehension strategies |
Predicting, Making Connections, Clarifying, Inferring |
Lesson resources |
Starlight: Core Reader 2 (p. 1–12) Starlight: Foundation Reader 2 (p. 1–12) Starlight: Junior Infant Skills Book (p. 9–12) Unit 11: Vocabulary lists (Core and Foundation) Digital: Unit 11 Vocabulary Flashcards; Unit 11 sight word activity |
Cross-curricular links |
Maths – Data: Record data in the classroom on ‘favourite farm animals’. Create a pictogram to show the findings. Gaeilge: Play ‘Cluiche Kim’ with the class, using cardboard or plastic farm animals. Teach the children vocabulary associated with the topic: madra, bó, muc, caora, sicín, etc. SESE – Geography: Teach the children about how food gets from farms to shops, e.g. how packaged sliced bread begins with a field of wheat. SESE – Science: The children could experiment with making butter in order to see how materials change. Art: Create a multi-textured picture of the farmyard, using a variety of natural and synthetic fibres and fabrics, e.g. burlap, cotton wool and twine. The children look and respond to their own work and the work of the others. PE: Give each child the name of a farm animal to imitate. It may help to go over the movements and sounds that farm animals make beforehand. When the game begins, the children move around the gym/playing field, imitating their animal and searching for the other children who are imitating the same animal. The first team to get all their animals together wins. |
Games/Activities |
Video: Watch and listen to ‘Old MacDonald Had a Farm’ (YouTube). Ask the children to continue the song by adding more farm animals and their sounds, e.g. horse, chickens, donkey, rooster, etc. Games: Play ‘Who Am I?’ with the children, using different farm animals. For example: ‘I’m white or brown. I lay eggs and cluck. What am I?’ Play ‘Farmyard Bingo’, using pictures of different farmyard items (tractor, barn, stable, spade, saddle, etc.). Nursery rhymes: ‘The Farmer in the Dell’, ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’, ‘Five Little Ducks’, ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’, etc. |
Aistear Links |
Sociodramatic play: The children could create a farm scenario where they are the farmers and the animals. They could use classroom objects as farm tools. Puppets: The children could colour and cut out finger-puppets of farm animals and use them to retell nursery rhymes. Small world: The children could play with toy farm animals and machinery, creating their own miniature farms. Construction: The children could create junk-art barns and stables. Creative play: The children could create their favourite farm animal from playdough. Sand area: Hide animal-themed jigsaw puzzle pieces in the sand. Ask the children to retrieve the pieces and complete the jigsaw. |
Differentiation |
Reading |
Teachers can differentiate by using either the Foundation or the Core reader. A full list of levelled readers at a variety of book band levels for the theme of ‘Animals’ can be found on p. 104 of the Teacher’s Guide. |
Writing |
All children carry out the same writing task (Starlight Junior Infants Skills Book p. 12). Writing is differentiated by outcome. |
Assessment |
Running record – Unit 11, Core Reader 2: On the Farm Running record – Unit 11, Foundation Reader 2: On the Farm |
Reading outcomes |
Element |
Learning outcome |
The child should be able to … |
Communicating |
LO 1 |
Enjoy reading a report (information book) |
Understanding |
LO 3 |
Understand conventions of print, including the function of a book cover and what an author does |
LO 5 |
Recognise the sight words: here, is, are, has Read CVC words and short simple sentences Use cues from pictures to read |
LO 6 |
Acquire new vocabulary from a report (see new words lists) |
Exploring and using |
LO 7 |
Understand that a report gives us information about real-life topics |
LO 8 |
Respond verbally to a simple report and ask questions about the information given in it |
LO 9 |
Make inferences based on the images in a report Clarify the information in the report |
LO 10 |
Read a simple report supported by illustrations, building fluency |
Writing outcomes |
Element |
Learning outcome |
The child should be able to … |
Communicating |
LO 1 |
Enjoy drawing farm animals and equipment and creating letter-like forms |
Understanding |
LO 3 |
Distinguish between reading and writing and write left to right and top to bottom |
LO 4 |
Use letters to represent words Begin to copy print |
LO 5 |
Use new vocabulary about the farm in their writing |
Exploring and using |
LO 6 |
Draw and label animals, buildings, equipment or people that they might see on a farm |
LO 7 |
Use the topic of ‘The Farm’ to write a simple text in collaboration with their teacher |
LO 9 |
Write some upper- and lower-case letters |
Na Dathanna.
Handwriting Without Tears-Printing Power Uu sheet.
The Dolch List.
Each child has a black and white copy of this in the work Folder.
27th of April to 1st May,2020.
Dear children and Parents,
Well done to all the children on a brilliant week of work, both on Seesaw and with work done from the website work lists.
Please remember that both the website list and Seesaw tasks are a menu to choose from, never feel that they are a prescriptive list to be fully completed. I am so conscious that you, the parents, are working and working from home as well as supporting the children in their learning and school tasks.
I have really enjoyed catching up with the children via Seesaw this week and the two-way communication is a very positive and beneficial way to see their work and tasks and share in the learning experience.
Thank you all for the amazing positive and supportive way you are approaching Seesaw and the continuity of the children's learning.
I look forward to the exciting tasks ahead this week and to both hearing and seeing work from the children. Keep up the great work!!
Keep well and safe,
Anita Halligan.
Friday, May 1st.
Dear children and families,
Please choose 2 items maximum from today's list and the Seesaw activities.
I wish you all a very happy and safe bank-holiday weekend.
Today we are putting ee or sounds together.
Jolly Jingle-
CVC/Sight Words and Folensonlie-The Duck Pond- Interactive Core Reader.
Read 2-3 pages daily. Look out for the sight words.
Click on New Word flashcard and sight word game to practice sight words.
See more detail on reading steps and extension activities listed in weekly plan attached.
The Duck Pond Interactive games and activities- see link below.
Why not try the; Story2, Questions and Activity game.
Name all the 2D and 3D shapes.
Explain the difference between 2D and 3D.
Cut out activity -
SEESAW Shape drawing activity.
Go to
Follow the online story and activities.
Revise all key vocabulary and quickly go over all activities in link above.
Test yourself on pointing to correct pictures on page 80 and 81 for;
An zú, ainmhithe,moncaí, sioráf,leon,eilifint, nathar nimhe,uachtar reoite,hata
gréine, spéaclaí gréine, eagla.
Vets/pet shop- 30 minutes daily and tidy away your vets and toys.
Animal Song.
Listen to the animal song and join in.
The Singing Walrus;
Water is Wonderful.
Water is a gift, especially clean water.
Chat together and complete Page 47.
What have you learned about your Baptism day?
Why not tell me about your Baptism using the SEESAW voice recorder.
SPHE and Well-being.
The Zen Den/relaxation Space can be used daily.
P.E and physical activity.
20 minutes physical activity per day.
Skipping week.
Eduactional TV.
The RTE Home School Hub is well worth a watch, especially if you have children of different classes/ages.
TG4/ Cúla 4 is also doing eduactional programmes for primary school children every morning between 10-10.30 am. The programmes are directed at Irish Medium schools, but I really have to commend the phonics and programmes aimed at the younger children, as they are really well done and easy to follow. Listening to Irish daily in a fun way like this is s great way to keep your child in tune with the cúpla focail they already have. I have added the schedule just in case you want to give it a try.
Maith sibh!!
Thursday 30th of April.
Subject. |
Description/workbook details and links. |
Phonics. |
Next digraph is not a vowel set, but or. Watch Youtube links listed over to explore the or sound. On SEESAW draw and write 5 “or” words/pictures. |
CVC/Sight words. Reading. |
The Duck Pond- Interactive Core Reader. Read 2-3 pages daily. Look out for the sight words. Click on New Word flashcard and sight word game to practice sight words. See more detail on reading steps and extension activities listed in weekly plan attached. The Duck Pond Interactive games and activities- see link below. Why not try the; Explore, Story 2 or Poem activity. |
Formation. |
Lower Case Ff. See picture of formation sheet below or complete Ff formation on SEESAW. |
Maths. |
3D shapes. How many 3D shapes can you name? Optional worksheet below. Worksheet to identify faces, edges and corners/vertices - |
Irish. |
Go to Follow the online story and activities. Song and Poem revision. Pupil Textbook, Lch/Page; 83-Ceangail na poncanna /join the dots and colour. |
Aistear. |
Vets/pet shop- 30 minutes daily. |
SESE/ Visual Arts. |
Farmer Duck. See Picture of Farmer Duck cover below. Can you design a new cover for the story? SEESAW link activity. |
Music. |
Create a How Goes the Work Rap or song to your favourite tune. Farmer Duck re-telling with Michael Rosen. Optional----Use SEESAW to upload your rap, I would love to hear it!!! |
Religion. |
Water. Online story activity- Mesi goes for Water. Examine how different life for your child is to that of Mesi. Grow in love activity book, Page 46. Explore all the ways we use water. Match the pictures and colour the page. |
P.E. |