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Cents for Our Sensory!!


The Parents' Association are running a fabulous fundraiser!

Each class is being asked to bring in all the coppers and small change i.e. 1, 2, 5 cent coins that are not being used at home.

The class with the most coins will get a prize!

The coins will be weighed on February 13th. 


We are looking forward to the musical, The Jungle Book, which will take place in Mullingar Arts Centre on Tuesday, January 21st this year at 7.00p.m.

3rd class and 5th class have been preparing extremely diligently in preparation for the show!

Jungle Book

Best of luck to the students and all the teachers involved!

Santa's Visit

The school had a special visitor today - Santa!


He came out to visit us in the school and had a little present for every single student in the school!


Students from Junior Infants up to 2nd class got to call in and have a little chat with him and he called around to say hello to all the senior classes!

Santa was in great form and was delighted to say that all of the students in Kildalkey N.S. are on the nice list and will be getting presents this year. He wasn't sure about some of the teachers mind.


Thanks to the Parents' Association for all their hard work in organising this visit!



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Mini 7s Camogie Champions 2024

Well done to our Mini 7s Camogie team who won the Mini 7s Camogie championship for 2024!!

The girls had done extremely well to get there on the day, beating Baconstown, Boardsmill and St. Mary's Trim among others to make it into the finals.


They played Gaelscoil na Cille first and a strong performance saw them defeat the Ashbourne outfit. This put them through to what was essentially a semi final against Kilmessan. A great battle with the Kilmessan saw goals in the second half from Holly and Anna ensure it was Kildalkey who would make it through to the final! It was an extremely high standard in that semi final and all ten players showed their skills and hard work to defeat a very skillful Kilmessan team.

This saw them through to the final against Whitecross. A superb first half showing laid the seeds for the win and saw a four goal lead that would be not overhauled, despite Whitecross' best efforts!

Afterwards, Holly and Maria accepted the shield from John Byrne and made two excellent speeches. Then it was back to Supermacs to get some food in and try to warm up! Éabha-Marie was also selected to play in Croke Park during an All Ireland semi-final - well done Éabha-Marie!


Thanks to Miss McGowan and Chloe for all the training they did with the girls to prepare them. Thanks also to the parents who came out in huge support for the girls.

It is a huge achievement for the school to win both the Hurling and Camogie Mini 7s in the one year - very unusual and unqiue for one school to win both competitions! Well done to all the camogie players and hurlers - we are very proud of all their achievements!

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