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Third Class

Maths Tables

05th October 

maths tables

Maths Tables

This week in first class we are starting to learn our addition tables. The link below links to a short video of useful tips for helping your child learn their tables. I would recommend you take the time to view this short video. 
Why should my child learn tables

1st/2nd Class provide ‘a window of opportunity’ to learn addition/subtraction tables.

It is important to master these tables by the end of 2nd because

• in 3rd and 4th the focus changes to multiplication and division.

• if a child knows their simple number facts then they can give their full attention to methodology when being taught new maths.

If the children have the answers to the tables at the tip of their tongue then they can concentrate on learning the methodogy of new sums.


Autumn Art

24th September  - Autumn Art

Since coming back to school we have been watching for the changes in our school environment.

We went on an Autumn trail today and found lots of different signs of change.

We collected some Autumn materials and used them to create an Autumn scene to hang in the hall on our 'hall heads'.

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Autumn 3

Autumn 4


Hedgehogs in Kildalkey

8th September - Dale brought some hedgehogs to visit

We are reading a book called the Hodgeheg. The book is about a rather curious Hedgehog who get himself into some sticky situations. Dale read us his own book 'Harry the Hedgehog'

Dale brought in his two hedgehogs called Sonic and Geronimo. The hedgehogs were hungry and we got to feed them some delicious worms!

Here are some pictures

Dale Visit 1

Dale Visit 2

Dale Visit 3


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