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Our school uniform must be worn at all times. All items of clothing need to be clearly labelled. In order to keep costs to a minimum, there are no crests etc., parents may source the uniform wherever they wish.
Our uniform consists of any of the following:
- Plain navy jumper / Plain navy top or plain navy cardigan (school hoodies are not part of the uniform)
- Plain navy tracksuit bottoms / plain navy trousers / plain navy
- Skirt or pinafore
- Plain blue t-shirt with a collar or plain blue shirt (tie optional)
- Slip on / Velcro runners or flat shoes to be worn in the junior classes. We ask that your child doesn’t wear laced shoes until they can tie them.
- Runners / flat shoes to be worn in the senior classes.
Please note navy school shorts are permitted on hot days. GAA shorts or bicycle shorts are not permitted on normal school days. Please see list attached above for where to purchase navy, knee length shorts.