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Information for Parents
Help My Kid Learn
The National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) has developed a simple website that brings together relevant information for parents and the wider community to support children’s literacy and numeracy development. The website’s purpose is to provide fun activities that parents can do with their children to develop their literacy and numeracy. It includes general information, fun activities and useful tips. You can access the website by clicking on the following link:
Headlice Advice
Anyone can catch head lice but primary school children are most affected. The following leaflet contains advice for parents and guardians on how to prevent and treat these unwelcome visitors
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment
The N.C.C.A. is responsible for advising the Minister for Education and Skills on curriculum and assessment for early childhood, primary and post-primary education.
They have excellent resources available for parents on their website, including tips on how to help your children with maths. They also provide information on many aspects of primary education. The website is well worth a visit. Just click on this link: