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Second Class

School Tour 2024!

2nd Class had an amazing day out in Gormanston at LET'S GO! for their school tour this year. The children participated in a wide range of activities, from zorb balls to KMXing and rock climbing to wrecking balls! It was a fantastic, well deserved day for all of the children after their wonderful work this year. 


LETS GO 24 1


Sports Day 2024!

2nd Class thoroughly enjoyed Sports Day on Friday.

From races and hurdles to obstacle courses and the ice - cream van, it was a great day for everyone! 

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sports day 5

sports day 4

sports day 3

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Coolest Projects!

Well done to Thomas who presented his very own scratch computer game at the Coolest Projects event held in DCU. Coolest Projects is a showcase for digital making that must use code, computers or digital technology in some way. Thomas not only created a fun computer game but also incorporated an important environmental awareness aspect by making it a 'Waste Collection Game'. The player has to determine the correct bin for different waste. We had so much fun playing Thomas' game! 


First Holy Communion 2024

Congratulations to the children in 2nd Class who received the sacrament of First Holy Communion on Saturday 11th May. They have been preparing all year and their hard work truly paid off. They were wonderful and made the school and community very proud. Thank you to all of the school staff who helped prepare them. 

The children's artwork was on display at the reception held in the school after the ceremony. A big thank you to the Parents' Assocation for organising this lovely event for the children and their families.






Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine!

Tá comhghairdeas tuillte ag gach duine as páirt a ghlacadh i Seachtain na Gaeilge an bhliain seo. 

Comhghairdeas speisialta le Harry agus Daniel! Bhuaigh siad 'Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine' as a n-iarrachtaí móra i nGaeilge. 


School Images

accepting the trophy.jpg

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